Cynthia Delgado Huitron

Ph.D. Candidate

Cynthia Delgado Huitron

Cy Citlallin is a doctoral candidate in Performance Studies at NYU. Her dissertation, "Staging the Interstice," looks to contemporary trans- performance in Mexico City in the latter half of the 21st Century, analyzing the relationship between urban space and trans- embodiment through artistic production in interstitial locations – such as the subway, the prison, the cabaret and the rooftop – to offer alternative maps of the city. She writes across the fields of aesthetics and politics, feminist theory, queer and trans studies, latinx american studies and critical geographies. Her work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in the journals Trans Studies Quarterly, Women&Performance, and Gender, Place & Culture.  She is also an artist and printmaker.

Dissertation Title:

Staging the Interstice: Counter Cartographies of Trans- Performance in Contemporary Mexico City


New York University

Ph.D. Candidate - Performance Studies

New York, New York


London School of Economics and Political Science

Master of Sciences - Gender

London, England


Mount Holyoke College

Bachelor of Arts - Studio Art, Economics

South Hadley, Massachusetts


“Haptic Tactic: Hyper-tenderness for the [Mexican] State and the performances of Lia García,” Trans Studies Quarterly, Vol. 6, Issue 2. Special Issue “Trans Studies en las Américas”, Ed. Cole Rizki, Juana María Rodriguez, Claudia Sofia Gárriga-Lopez, Denison Lopes. New York: Duke University Press. May, 2019.


• Book Review: “The political imaginary of sexual freedom: subjectivity and power in the new sexual democratic turn, by Leticia Sabsay,” Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory, 28:2. Routledge: London. 2018.


•  “¿Que nos queda? Arte efímero en espacios públicos como resistencia cuir-feminista,” in Condiciones de la globalización, políticas neoliberales y dinámicas de género. Aproximaciones desde el sur. PUEG, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México, D.F., 2017.