Bobbie Boettinger
B.A. '21

Bobbie is a singer/songwriter from Roseland, New Jersey who is a member of the Class of 2021. While being a Performance Studies Major with a Business of Entertainment, Media and Technology Minor, she primarily focuses of Critical Race Studies within the music industry specifically Rap/Hip-Hop music along with R&B music. Her musical influences are Amy Winehouse, Rihanna, Ashanti, and Aaliyah leading her to also focus on women empowerment within the heavily male dominated genres within the industry.
Why PS @ NYU?
Performance Studies is the first place that felt like home once I made my way through NYU. The professors get to know us and make us comfortable to speak up in class and share any ideas or opinions we have each week. To major in something that allows each student to come together while having their own interests outside of school and within the major is a no brainer. Here each and every one of us in PS can grow academically and personally through the readings and in class discussions.