CultureHub resident artist Allison Parrish
ITP's Faculty Memeber and CultureHub resident artist Allison Parrish for her upcoming artist talk about her recent project: Solar Powered Dawn Poems.
Over the last year, Allison has been developing a radically small language model, trained on a low-power microcontroller, which operates only when drawing sufficient energy from solar panels. This language model is trained on a corpus of albas, a poetry genre in which lovers lament the oncoming dawn, and generates new examples of poems in this genre. In this talk, she will show the progress she’s made on this project, and relate what she’s learned so far, and discuss how it relates to larger questions of aesthetics and ethics in computational creativity and machine learning.
To watch, go to the CultureHub Watch page at June 24, 1PM EST to watch the livestream. RSVP to receive a reminder to tune in!
Solar Powered Dawn Poems is supported by the CultureHub Residency Program.