Adaora Udoji
ITP Adjunct Adaora Udoji was profiled by Tech Funnel for her work on VR, AR, and Mixed Reality, Switching to Tech Media, and Inclusivity.
Adaora Udoji is an emerging technology strategist and maker. She has worked in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and other new digital technologies.
Currently, she is the Director of Corporate Innovation at New York City’s RLab, the first city-funded hub focused on the next generation of user interfaces including virtual and augmented realities and related technologies. She is also an adjunct professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and the Interactive Telecommunications Program at the Tisch School of the Arts.
She is on the board of NEW Inc of the New Museum and advises SXSW Pitch 2019, VRAR Association, and the Guggenheim Museum Global Innovation Council. She serves a Jury member to the Storyscape Awards at Tribeca Film Festival 2019. She also mentors at the Op’Ed Project and the 92nd Street Y Women in Power and is a former Entrepreneur-in-Residence at WeWork Labs.
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