Aduino Day 2020
ITP Faculty Member Tom Igoe, co-founder of the Arduino, celebrated as the tool turned 15 this year! The community held an Arduino Day, and live streamed content celebrating the use of Arduion across the world.
The company is spread out in multiple locations, mainly Torino, Italy and Mälmo, Sweden, but we've also got people in Milan, Switzerland, California, Rome, and New York, among others. Arduino originated at the Interaction Design Institute in Ivrea Italy, and it's been a big part of the ITP learning experience since it's early days. Tom Igoe joined the team as one of the co-founders in 2005, advising and writing examples for the boards, and started teaching with it at ITP in late '05 and '06.
The product line has evolved a lot since the early days; though the Uno boards are still popular, we've released a whole host of new boards in the last few years. The MKR line, like the MKR1010, MKR1300, MKR1400, and MKR1500, introduced 32-bit processors and a whole range of different radio connectivity, such as WiFi, Bluetooth LE, LoRa, and cellular. The Nano 33 boards moved the smallest Arduinos, the Nano family to 32-bit processors and gave the Bluetooth LE and WiFi, along with a host of onboard sensors. The Nano 33 BLE is even capable of running machine learning programs on the board itself.