Data Rescue NYC
ITP hosted the Data Rescue NYU event on February 4, 2017.
See the Newsweek article about the event.
See the Quartz article.
See the PBS story
See the New York Times article
Event Co-Sponsors: NYU Department of Anthropology, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study, and NYU Institute for Public Knowledge
Perhaps you read a recent Wired article about scientists archiving US gov climate change data and websites leading up to and continuing through the administration change? This is the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, and since the election, @EnviroDGI has been hosting #DataRescue events for at-risk government datasets. The first was held in Canada, where people were already organized due to the anti-science Harper adminstration destroying libraries of undigitized science research in 2013 (https://envirodatagov.org/building-an-archive-of-vulnerability-guerrillaarchiving-at-uoft/)
Data Rescue NYC works to secure federal environmental data in the face of the Trump administration’s large-scale efforts to dismantle environmental regulation. This work is urgent since the Trump administration has immediately begun to scrub environmental data from federal websites.
Data Rescue NYC brings together concerned citizens with experts in information technology, archiving and environmental science and policy. We need capable web-savvy and technical members of the public, librarians, and people with environmental expertise. Building on experience from similar events, everyone’s skills will be put to work in organized cooperation.
Hosted by New York University, Data Rescue NYC is run by the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI) in collaboration with the PPEHlab’s DataRefuge project. Here are links to background and news coverage. It is part of a decentralized effort including previous events in Toronto, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and elsewhere.
More information can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/704371486406298/