Hello Kongzi in New York

Friday, Feb 12, 2016

Hello Kongzi logo


ITP Alumni Yu-Ting Feng, Alon Chitayat, Uttam Grandhi, Fangyu Yang, Laura Juo-Hsin Chen, DeqingSun, Peiqi Su and Rosalie Yu created an interactive media show for a company call HELLO KONGZI in Grand Central

HelloKongzi is the first Cultural Renewal program which applies cartoon images and hundreds of thoughts of traditional Chinese culture, persisted in “seeking harmony rather than uniformity”, aimed at disseminating the concept of universal value of the five constant virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and sincerity throughout the world by means of various artistic devices and a perfect combination with various cultural industries, so that the world will be able to understand China and its culture in a new way.

A series of events are hosted by HelloKongzi Educational Public Welfare Fund and Broad Link Group. With great success in Shenzhen, Taiwan, and Pakistan, HelloKongzi will be visiting New York from Feb 16th to Feb 18th, 2016. Organized by 3Drops Studio, New York Creativity Odyssey NYCO, and Pegasus Art Advisory, the event will be held at the Grand Central station and will feature integrative installation devices including Plinko Machine, Dance with Kongzi, Kongzi Q&A, Everyone can be Kongzi, VR Kongzi, and 3D Mapping Kongzi. 3D Mapping Kongzi is the most spectacular part of the exhibition.

On February 17th from 6pm to 9pm there will be a 360 projection mapping of Kongzi in the center of the Vanderbilt East Hall; it is a new 3D technology which plays with light and objects and mimics the real environment that needs to be projected on-this is why the Kongzi Image can be vividly presented. At the same time, Food Art Performance will be held. This performance is seen as a reflection of a person’s propriety and personality and fortune cookies will be distributed to the audience.
