ITP Alumni James Tunick, and Yiyao Nie have work in an IMC Lab Mixed Reality Art Exhibition.
IMC Lab is pleased to present Reality Remix, an interactive exhibit of artifacts from the near future, including radical new art & technologies highlighting the latest revolutions in painting, sculpting, 3D printing, holographic computing, neuroscience, robotics, VR, AR, mixed reality & A.I..
Enter a new era in which passive viewers become active participants, empowered to remix reality & shift perception itself. Through new art & technologies akin to super powers, the gallery, the city & the world itself becomes your collective canvas. The entire gallery will be filled with new work & maker tools which participants can touch, move & interact with, including never seen before VR/AR apps, multi-sensory installations & immersive art that stretch the imagination & transport you to fantastic holographic experiences where collective creativity thrives.
More info at www.TheIMCLab.com or on Instagram @TheIMCLab