Daisy Lu
Class of 2023

I’m always exploring something new, breaking limitations, expanding my horizon, and challenging the status quo. I could never define myself clearly as there are so many different sides of me - some still need time to be discovered. My experience in the past consisted of graphic design, project management, marketing, content creation and research assistant. I enjoyed working in the creative field, and I worked at Ashley Furniture’s CGI (3D modeling) team for almost 2 years, before I joined the IMA Low Res program. During free time, I love music, dance, traveling, photography, fashion, art and modeling.
Even though I’ve been interested in a lot of artsy things since a young age, I came from an engineering background - with a B.Sc in Chemical Engineering, minor in music and design, from UC Berkeley. Through IMA Low Res, I’d like to bring my abstract ideas into real, practical applications and broaden my career path. I'm passionate about UX/UI, human-centered design, and interactive media. With a global perspective, I envision the intersection of design and technology to be the most creative means to advance and redefine the future. I hope to critically solve challenging problems to make human lives better, especially to innovate accessible & inclusive experiences for elders and the disabled.