Ophelia Gao
Class of 2023

Ophelia is a Product Data Scientist with 3 years of working experience in using data and Machine Learning to drive insights for product design and business decisions. She studied and worked in China, UK, France, Netherlands before she came to New York. She does not have a creative background like others, but a Mathematics background with BSc Mathematics (University of Liverpool) and MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance (University of Oxford).
You may want to ask her, why come to ITP? She may not know the exact answer. But she is very inspired by artists like Olafur Eliasson, Ragnar Kjartansson and Leandro Erlich… And she is very interested in creating reality or experiences for audiences to think, explore and maybe trigger their memory/emotions.
Ophelia is also a curious life-learner. This semester she is learning Storytelling (Sound, Video, XR), Design (Adobe Creative Suite), Physical Computing (Arduino), Creative Coding (P5.js) and Fabrication at ITP.
Contact her if you want to collaborate on amazing projects.