NIME 2016

The 16th annual ITP NIME show presents novel musical instruments that go beyond traditional sounds and interfaces. Each performer will play a newly designed electronic instrument that aims to breathe new life into the live performance of digital music.
Free with NYU ID
$10 regular admission
NIME: New Interfaces for Musical Expression
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, also known as NIME, is an international conference dedicated to scientific research on the development of new technologies for musical expression and artistic performance. ITP NIME is a graduate course at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program following the spirit of the conference. In ITP's 15th annual NIME show, performers will play a series of newly invented instruments that reimagine the creation and performance of digital music.
Hosted by Greg Shakar & NYU's ITP
Aarón Montoya-Moraga
Adi Wiedersheim Sendagorta
Chelsea Pfohl
Chino Kim
David Lockard and Roy Ben Yosef
Ishaan Chaudhary
Jared Friedman
Juan José Egúsquiza
Naoki Ishizuka
Nicola Carpeggiani
Nikita Huggins
Jesse Donaldson
Renata Gaui
Satbir Multani
Yuan Gao
Yuli Cai
Viniyata Pany