
Lisa Duva
Lisa Duva

HOUND is the second feature from Lisa Duva; films from her diverse narrative and documentary portfolio have played at Slamdance, Brooklyn and many other film festivals as well as at the Brooklyn Museum and the Museum of the Moving Image. HOUND is a horror-comedy following a timid young woman who’s about to let loose in a whole new way, “I love genre fiction and I’ve often wondered why werewolves are almost always men -- why would a story about turning into a bloody beast once a month be a metaphor for masculinity?”  says Duva, who insists the story emerges from her most frustrating personal experiences as a woman, “If I make myself small and agreeable, I’m weak; if I assert myself and have confidence, I’m a bitch.  I kept circling back to experiences of sexual harassment and unwanted objectification, and I absolutely hated part of myself for taking it all with a smile.  All of that anger bubbled up inside me and I found my dog-woman turning into a real beast.”

Zoey Deutch is now attached to star in and produce HOUND.

Email (Agent): Ruby Kaye, CAA, ruby.kaye@caa.com
Website: lisaduva.com