NYU Game Center Lecture Series Presents Andy Wallace & Ramsey Nasser

NYU Game Center Lecture Series Presents Andy Wallace and Ramsey Nasser, Thursday, April 28, 7:00pm, 370 Jay Street, 2nd Floor Lecture Hall, twitch.tv/nyugamecenter

Andy Wallace (Circumnavigators w/Juno Morrow, Death By Audio Arcade) and Ramsey Nasser (Selfie Deathmatch w/Kaho Abe, قلب programming language) are game designers and creative technologists known for their experimental art and community work. They co-founded the EMMA Technology cooperative, a newly formed 4-person coop doing freelance creative coding work in NYC. Ramsey and Andy will talk through their reasons for investigating coops in the first place, their goals and values for structuring EMMA, and an overview of what it was like to get there as a legally recognized entity. Special attention will be paid to the compensation and governance structure. This is an important topic given the pressing needs of workplace reform and labor alternatives in games & technology industries, how game designers old & new can shape the process of making games into something more equitable.

About the Speakers
Ramsey Nasser
is an award-winning game designer, computer scientist, and educator with over a decade of experience building captivating experiences at the edge of what is technically possible. His work includes museum installations, production-grade programming language compilers, slapstick physical games, politically challenging web art, and ground-breaking research into the cultural baggage of computing.

Andy Wallace is an independent game designer and creative coder who lives in NYC. He is also a founding member of the non-profit Death By Audio Arcade collective. He received his MFA from Parsons The New School For Design in 2012, and worked for a few years at the tiny NYC game company Golden Ruby Games. After that, he was the director of the Digital Game Design & Development program at Long Island University Post Campus. And now he is available to work on your projects!

About the Lecture Series
For the Spring, NYU Game Center Lecture Series is happening in-person for current NYU students and simultaneously streaming live for the general public! 

  • If you are a current NYU student, faculty, adjunct, or staff: Attend the talk in-person! The talk will be happening at 370 Jay Street, 2nd Floor Lecture Hall, and will have a limited in-person audience. You must RSVP to attend, and you can RSVP here: https://emmatechnologieslectureseries.eventbrite.com

  • If you are not currently attending or working at NYU: The talk will be streaming live to our twitch! Join us in the chat here: twitch.tv/nyugamecenter

The NYU Game Center would like to thank our event sponsors: Fresh Planet, Take-Two Interactive, Dots, and Empire State Development. Their generous support makes our events possible.