NYU Game Center Incubator Showcase 2022

NYU Game Center Incubator Showcase 2022, Thursday, April 21, 7pm featuring Bird Town, nainai's recipe, gayatri falls, rewilding, and damage dealer

We’re thrilled to announce the public debut of the NYU Game Center Incubator 2021 cohort! On Thursday, April 21, join us for a streaming showcase where each of the Incubator developers will be interviewed about their game, progress, and process by their game’s Executive Producer! The show will also feature live gameplay, trailers, and more exclusive links and looks at the games. Learn about these games' unique paths through the first ever 12 month Incubator and what’s next for each of these incredible projects!

The 2021 Incubator Games

Bird Town

Bird Town

Bird Town - Danny Hawk, Michelle Bao

Bird Town is a comedy exploration adventure game where you play a bird named Margo, returning home to the end of her hometown's summer festival. Each playthrough changes dramatically based on who you talk to and what you do, whether it's getting into hijinks or talking with neighbors, going on bite sized adventures, or taking a nap.

Damage Dealer


Damage Dealer - Gil Lawson

Damage Dealer is a narrative simulation game set in an exploding desert. The pylons are failing, the future is rotting, and time is running out.



Gayatri's Fall - (Team Coconut) Krishan Rajaratnam and Viji Rajaratnam

Gayatri’s Fall is a magically reflective bite-sized short story that follows a young Tamil-American girl named Gayatri on her first day of school, as she wrestles with the many floating thoughts in her mind. Simultaneously in first and third-person, this game experimentally blends audio-guided meditation with narrative-driven adventure while telling the story of how Gayatri lost her mother tongue.



Nainai’s Recipe - Fan Fang, Mai Hou

Step into the savory experience of a grandchild continuing her family’s food tradition, learning to cook remotely, and bonding with her Chinese grandmother across distances, in this relaxing, heart-warming take on the cooking simulation genre.



Rewilding - Spencer Bernstein, Sammy Chuang, Parker Darren Crandell, Martin Nayeri, Rowan Wood

Rewilding is a first-person ecology simulation about our tenuous relationship with nature and how it’s bound to change in the future. Players step into the boots of Syd, a loner botanist, and enlist in a 200- year wasteland reforestation mission that will redefine their understanding of human habitat.

About the NYU Game Center Incubator

The NYU Game Center Incubator is an annual program that gives time and resources to help promising new games build toward commercial release. Alumni from the NYU Game Center Incubator have gone on to secure publishing deals, release App Store hits, fund successful Kickstarters, and include titles like Softbody, Ape Out, Airplane Mode, We Should Talk., and many, many more.

Applications for the 2022 NYU Game Center Incubator will be announced and open soon. Developers interested in participating in the 2022 Incubator are highly encouraged to check-out the 2021 Showcase! 

The Incubator Showcase is free, open to the public, and happening entirely online. No RSVP necessary! 

The NYU Game Center would like to thank our event sponsors: Fresh Planet, Take-Two Interactive, Dots, and Empire State Development. Their generous support makes our events possible.