Game Devs of Color Expo 2020

Game Devs of Color logo over photos of past conferences in green-orange gradient.

The fifth annual Game Devs of Color Expo will be fully online for 2020! The NYU Game Center is proud to sponsor the Game Devs of Color Expo, where you can see incredible talks and games from game devs of color from around the world, including NYU Game Center faculty, students, and alumni.

At the virtual Game Devs of Color Expo, new and experienced game developers will share, learn, and connect in unique ways. This year’s event will feature main presentations within a private online conference space that supports conversations between attendees. The Expo will also host exclusive developer interviews through their Steam showcase, Gradient Convergence. You’ll be able to support creators of color by playing their games in the comfort of your home!

The Game Devs of Color Expo is organized by Chris Algoo, Shawn Alexander Allen, Brian Carr (Adjunct Instructor), Brian S. Chung (MFA '20), GJ Lee, and Catt Small, along with a team of contributors (Asia Hoe, Emperatriz Ung (MFA '19), Kat Thompson, Rachél Bazelais, Reynaldo Vargas (MFA '15)), and the many moderators who work on bringing the expo to life before, during, and after the day of the event.

Check out these games from NYU Game Center events and alumni in the 2020 festival:

An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs 
by Strange Scaffold (No Quarter '19 Game)

1000 Deaths
by Pariah Interactive, with Blake Andrews (MFA '18) & Emily Koonce (BFA '19)

Yellowface - An Asian American Story 
by Mike Ren Yi ('14)

And catch talks from these NYU Game Center faculty, adjuncts, and alumni: Naomi Clark (Faculty), Rachel Li (MFA '20), and Ethan Redd (No Quarter '17, Adjunct Professor).

The Game Devs of Color Expo is open to the public, and tickets are $5-$10 with need-based free tickets available.