Monsters Within

Monsters Within

Monsters Within

Directed by Sebrina Dement Semer

Length:  5:53
Producers: Jordyn Hart, Olivia Mermagen, and Sebrina Dement Semer
Editor: Sebrina Dement Semer
Cinematographer: Sebrina Dement Semer
Sound Designer:

 Brian Monaghan


Lilika, a mixed-Filipino therapist with a mysterious past, must face a world of monsters and mythos when a threatening pursuer stalks her to her home.

Sabrina Dement Semer
Sabrina Dement Semer

Undergaduate Film & TV

Sebrina Dement Semer is a creator of worlds and aspires to be a writer/director and show creator for fantasy and sci-fi animated films and shows. She was born and raised in New York City and loves all things strange, pink, and fantastical. As a queer, mixed Filipino, and neurodivergent creator, she dreams of places magical(be that magic light and wonderful or dark and horrifying), and writes stories where abused and traumatized characters can work together to become better people, and make better worlds.