2016 WASSERMAN Awards

Graduate King Award Winners:

1st Prize $10,000 - Elnura Osmonalieva, SEIDE
2nd Prize $7500 - Cenk Erturk, A LONG DAY
3rd Prize $5000 - Myrsini Aristidou, SEMELE

Undergraduate King Award Winners:

1st Prize $10,000 - Zuxiang Zhao, A TEST
2nd Prize $7500 - Alejandra Parody, ROSA
3rd Prize $5000 - Tristan Daley, DEBT TO SOCIETY

Tisch Asia, Graduate Film Department

1st Prize, $10,000 - Jianjie Lin, GU
2nd Prize, $7,500 - Robbin Rae McCulloch, OAKLAND IN BLUE
3rd Prize, $5,000 - Imran J. Khan, PRO

King Award for Screenwriting, Graduate Film $2500
Germain Gulick, TRIFLES

Wasserman Award for Directing, Graduate Film $2000
Elizabeth Nichols, BLUEPRINT

King Award for Screenwriting, Undergraduate Film & TV $2500
Matthew Puccini, SOLO

Wasserman Award for Directing, Undergraduate Film & TV $2000
Zuxiang Zhao, A TEST

Wasserman Finalists

Graduate Finalists
Myrsini Aristidou for the film SEMELE
Sebastian (Harry) Cepka for the film GOLDEN TEACHERS
Cenk Erturk for the film A LONG DAY
Samuel Grandchamp for the film LE BARRAGE (THE BIG DAM)
Germain Gulick for the film TRIFLES
Ben Kallam for the film RED FOLDER
Elizabeth Nichols for the film BLUEPRINT
Gregory Oke for the film IN A ROOM BELOW
Elnura Osmonalieva for the film SEIDE
Asantewaa Prempeh for the film JUNGLE
Charlie Wells for the film TUESDAY
Katrina Whalen for the film BIRD DOG

Undergraduate Finalists
Kevin Bailey for the film FATHER’S SON
Tristan Daley for the film DEBT TO SOCIETY
Isabelle Gedigk for the film DISCONNECT
Chriz Naing for the film ZAYAR
Alejandra Parody for the film ROSA
Matthew Puccini for the film SOLO
Zuxiang Zhao for the film A TEST

2016 Graduate Craft Awards

Faculty Commendations in Directing
Sahadeh Kelvadi for the film KENDA
Ronnie Dörfler for the film A QUIET PLACE
Virginia Urreiztieta for the film PANORAMA

Achievement in Experimental
Jarreau Carrillo for the film STRANGE PLANET

Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance
Ben Kallam for the film RED FOLDER

Charles Blackwell / Gotham Award / Sound
Blair McClendon for the film GOLDEN TEACHERS directed by Harry Cepka

Nestor Almendros Award for outstanding cinematography by a woman
Mia Cioffi Henry for the films A LONG DAY, ROCKAWAY, BOOTLEG DAYS, VALERIA directed by Cenk Erturk, Alik Barsoumian, Rezwan Sumit, Erin Vassilopoulos

William Wohleb for the films FOG CITY, ROHAN directed by Liam Brady, Ash Bhalla
Jinweh Zeng for the film DOWN RIVER directed by Cathy Yan

Virginia Urreiztieta for the film PANORAMA

Rezwan Shahriar Sumit for the films ROCKAWAY, BOOTLEG DAYS by Alik Barsoumian, Rezwan Sumit
Sydney Buchan for the film FOR SURE
Adel Morales for the films A LONG DAY, BLUEPRINT, THE SHVITZING by Cenk Erturk, Elizabeth Nichols, Max Rissman

Brooke Goldfinch for the film RED ROVER
Samuel Grandchamp for the film LE BARRAGE (THE BIG DAM)

Production Design
Adrienne Carlile and Ntokozo Kunene for the film BLUEPRINT by Elizabeth Nichols
Antonia Lowe for the film THE RAIN COLLECTOR BY Isabella Wing-Davey

Sound Design
Arjun Seth for the films SEMELE, A TRIP TO AVALON, THE BARRAGE, RED FOLDER, JUNGLE, THE HODAG directed by Myrsini Aristidou, Bradley Bixter, Samuel Grandchamp, Ben Kallam, Asantewaa Prempeh, Hadrian Royo

Lead Actor
Vasile Flutur for the film IN A ROOM BELOW directed by Grek Oke

Lead Actress
Megan McGill for the film TUESDAY directed by Charlie Wells
Madalina Craiu for the film A QUIET PLACE directed by Ronnie Dörfler

Supporting Actress
Melissa Hampton for the film LULU by Shawn Snyder

Supporting Actor
Charlie Koss for the film BIRD DOG directed by Katrina Whalen
Souley Oumarou for the film JUNGLE directed by Asantewaa Prempeh
Kenan Baysal for the film JUNGLE directed by Asantewaa Prempeh
Aziz Erturk for the film A LONG DAYdirected by Cenk Erturk
Arlen Konokapi for the film HUMPTY by Clare Sackler

Lead Actress
Victoria DaSilva for the film PANORAMAM by Virginia Urreiztieta

Original Score
Nate Appel and Anika Johnson for the film GOLDEN TEACHERS directed by Harry Cepka
Daniel Rufolo for the film THE SHVITZING directed by Max Rissman

Faculty Commendation in Producing
Hadrien Royo for his film THE HODAG

2016 Undergraduate Craft Awards

Faculty Commendations in Directing
Tanner Jarman for the film HIGH HOOPS
Adam Meeks for the film WILDFIRE

Faculty Commendation in Editing
Chriz Naing for the film MUTT, ZAYAR (directed by Chloé Aktas,)

Faculty Commendations in Cinematography
Leo Purman for the film JAHAR (directed by Henry Hayes)
Hamilton Yu for the film ROSA (directed by Alejandra Parody)
Henry Zaballos for the film BOOYAKA!! (directed by Chris Santiago)

Faculty Commendations in Sound Design
Bobb Barito for the film ENTROPIC, WILDFIRE, DEBT TO SOCIETY (directed by Sebastian Savino, Daniel Stenzel, Tristan Daley)
Dennis Hu for the film SOMETHING ABOUT WONDER, DISCONNECT (directed by YiYi Han, Isabelle Gedigk)

Nestor Almendros Award in recognition of outstanding cinematography by a woman)
Arina Bleiman for the films ZAYAR, DEBT TO SOCIETY (directed by Chriz Naing, Tristan Daley)

Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance
Sebastian Sdaigui for the film RAGHEAD

Achievement in Experimental
Renee Mao for the film WHERE PEOPLE HIDE AWAY

Achievement in Animation
Cyrus Cumming for the film THE GREEN MONSTER


Renee Mao for the film SOLO (directed by Matthew Puccini)
Conor Murphy for the film RAGHEAD (directed by Sebastian Sdaigui)
Daniel Stenzel for the film WILDFIRE (directed by Adam Meeks)
Jinwei Zeng for the film A TEST (directed by )

Kevin Bailey for the film FATHER’S SON
Henry Hayes for the film SOLO (directed by Matthew Puccini)
Tanner Jarman for the film HIGH HOOPS
Matthew Puccini for the film WHERE PEOPLE HIDE AWAY (directed by Renee Mao)

Johnny Levin & Tom Mishra for the film THE INTERVENTION
Daniel Sorochkin for the film CHECK PLEASE

Lily Van Leeuwen & Jen Hubbard for the film ZAYAR (directed by Chriz Naing)
Elizabeth PW, Janella Lacson for the film ROSA (directed by Alejandra Parody)
Zachary Nutman for the film SOLO (directed by Matthew Puccini)
Lizzie Shapiro for the film JAHAR (directed by Henry Hayes)
Lizzie Shapiro for the film RAGHEAD (directed by Sebastian Sdaigui)
Yifei He, Peichao Wang, Zuxiang Zhao for the film A TEST

Sound Design
Bobb Barito for the film SNAGGLETOOTH (directed by Spencer Jezewski)
Katherine Jirles for the film WHO’S AFRAID OF THE OCTOPUS MAN? (directed by Ben Sottak)
Sean Kiely for the film WHERE PEOPLE HIDE AWAY (directed by Renee Mao)

Production Design
Christina Benenati for the film OTTER OF THE UNDERGROUND
Emma Carlson for the film DOMINIK THE DARING AND BRONCO THE BRAVE (directed by Andrew Scott)
Courtney Porter for the film WHO’S AFRAID OF THE OCTOPUS MAN? (directed by Ben Sottak)

Original Score
Noah Engel for the film FATHER’S SON (directed by Kevin Bailey)
Jose Alejandro Parody for the film ROSA (directed by Alejandra Parody)
Eric Phillips for the film BOOYAKA!! (directed by Chris Santiago)

Supporting Actress
Amia Datts for the film IRON PLAY (directed by Jasmine McLaurin)
Jennifer Ferrin for the film MUTT (directed by Chloé Aktas)
Barbara Rosenblat for the film STRANDED AT THE ALTAR (directed by Ryan McCabe)
Leila Rusciani for the film RAGHEAD (directed by Sebastian Sdaigui)
Sophia Zalipsky for the film WILDFIRE (directed by Adam Meeks)

Lead Actress
Joosje Duk for the film WILDFIRE (directed by Adam Meeks)
Aracely Guzman for the film ROSA (directed by Alejandra Parody)
Rebecca Kiembock for the film SOMETHING ABOUT WONDER (directed by YiYi Han)
Demi Mills for the film DOMINIK THE DARING AND BRONCO THE BRAVE (directed by Andrew Scott)

Supporting Actor
William Beckwith for the film WHERE PEOPLE HIDE AWAY (directed by Renee Mao)
Finn Cutler for the film WHO’S AFRAID OF THE OCTOPUS MAN? (directed by Ben Sottak)
Roger Grundwald for the film ONE GOOD PITCH (directed by Parker Hill)
Hany Kamal for the film LITTLE SYRIA (directed by Francisco Sanchez Solis)
Matthew Mindler for the film SOLO (directed by Matthew Puccini)
Rich Nair for the film DEBT TO SOCIETY (directed by Tristan Daley)
Andre Ozim for the film JAHAR (directed by Henry Hayes)

Lead Actor
Mischa Aletta for the film FATHER’S SON (directed by Kevin Bailey)
Kalil Hamadoui for the film RAGHEAD (directed by Sebastian Sdaigui)
Devante Lawrence for the film JAHAR (directed by Henry Hayes)
Yixiang Li for the film A TEST (directed by Zuxiang Zhao )
Tommy Nelson for the film SOLO (directed by Matthew Puccini)
Christin Ryan for the film WHO’S AFRAID OF THE OCTOPUS MAN? (directed by Ben Sottak)


Tisch Asia Finalist Films
Ru Yi (Jason Chew)
Moving in Circles (Maxim Dashkin)
Oakland in Blue (Robbin Rae McCulloch)
Gu (JJ Lin)
Prom (Imran Khan)

Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance:
The Manliest Man (Anuj Gulati)

Gu (Jianjie Lin)

Imagine You and Me (Allie Mills)

Miss World (Imran J. Khan, Georgia Fu)
Oakland in Blue (Marc Wiltshire)

Melanie Ramos for Oakland in Blue
Thomas Wood for Gu

Sound Design:
Blindsight (Clarice Lee)

Production Design:
Moving in Circles (Masha Turskaya)

Original Score:
Ru Yi

Lead Actress:
Wu Ke Xi (Ru Yi)
Liao Ya Chun (Miss World)
Agniya Kuznetsova (Moving in Circles)

Lead Actor:
Jah Shams and Troy Curvey III (Oakland in Blue)
Jonah Aimz (Prom)

Supporting Actress:
Alix Schwartz (Prom)

Supporting Actor:
Mukesh Pachode (Karia, in The Manliest Man)