Al lado del río (By The River)

Al lado del río (By The River).jpg

Al lado del río (By The River)

Directed by Sofia Camargo

Type of Project: Drama
Length: 12:30
Producers: Sofia Camargo, Nicolás Mejía, Drake Burnette
Editor: Sofia Camargo
Cinematographer: Gianna Badiali
Sound Design: Daniela Sicilia

Camargo Sofia
Camargo Sofia


Sofia Camargo is a 27 year old Colombian director and cinematographer living in New York since 2017, where she is an MFA Candidate in the Grad Film program at NYU Tisch. Sofía graduated in Anthropology and Art History from Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá where she also completed a Minor in Art. Her films portray the inner life of female characters whose conflict and desire seem to be revealed through the body, its senses, and gestures.