Tisch Drama's Classical Studio Collaborates with Tisch Dramatic Writing on New Works

Thursday, Dec 13, 2018

Classical Studio students in rehearsal

Classical Studio students in rehearsal

Each year, the ensemble of Tisch Drama's Classical Studio comes together with playwriting students in Tisch Dramatic Writing for a cross-department collaboration of new works and performances.

Classical Studio Associate Director Daniel Spector said the event is a longstanding collaboration.

"At the end of the fall semester, after the ensemble of the Classical Studio has tackled its first Shakespeare play, we briefly turn our attention away from such time-tested writing and collaborate with playwriting students in the Department of Dramatic Writing to perform excerpts from early drafts of their full-length plays," he explained.

This provides students with a host of opportunities.

"Working on material in development is a skill unto itself and an opportunity for our students to muster their creative and analytical skills to make the most out of new work," Spector added. "Perhaps most importantly, our students and the writing students leave with one another’s contact information, and many fruitful creative relationships have grown out of this annual collaboration over the years."

This year's performances will kick off at 7 p.m. on Friday, December 7, in the Rita and Burton Goldberg Theatre.