Screenshot of the homepage of Tisch 'Drama Access'
On January 28, Tisch Drama launched Tisch Drama Access, the department’s first-ever internal digital portal developed exclusively to serve and connect the Drama community.
The new password-protected platform, built through NYU Wordpress, offers a clearinghouse of information on all things Drama, the school, and beyond—from timely news and monthly event calendars to policies and procedures for faculty, resources for students and staff, and more.
Rubén Polendo, chair of Tisch Drama, said the goal for Drama Access is to put "a one-stop online platform at your fingertips."
"It’s a tool to consolidate news, information, and functions that—until now—have been spread across multiple digital platforms and with various personnel," he said. "What's more, Drama Access is a practical way of unifying the department and ensuring every member of the Tisch Drama Community belongs."
Students will be able to schedule appointments with advisors, access career development resources, and scroll through an archive of auditions, internships, and jobs. Faculty will find forms, bylaws, and policies. The main portal will include a newsfeed of community highlights celebrating the achievements of individual students, faculty, and staff.
If a computer isn't handy, members of the Drama community can download Drama Access to their phone as an app for on-the-go communication.
The portal can be accessed at wp.nyu.edu/tisch-drama.