Tisch Drama Stage: The Threepenny Opera

Three Penny Opera Flyer



February 23 - March 4

Written by Bertolt Brecht
Music by music by Kurt Weill
Translated by Marc Blitzstein
Directed by Ashley Tata


What has happened to human pity?” It has dissipated in that fuzzily drawn district where unlawful acts may be committed so long as one remains a well-oiled cog in the greasy wheel of the machine climbing up just as high as the heads that one is standing on will allow. 

The Threepenny Opera is a musical drama in three acts written by Bertolt Brecht in collaboration with composer Kurt Weill in 1928, and based on Elizabeth Hauptmann’s adaptation of John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera (1728). Our hero, Mack the Knife, is one who lives far outside of the law. When they seduce small business owner Peachum’s daughter, Polly not even Mack’s comradeship with the Chief of Police, Tiger Brown, can save them from execution. But for you, our audience, oozing with pity, we’re happy to sell you his forgiveness.