NYUCC Color-Grading Hollywood: The Filmmaking Industry from an IDBEA Lens

NYUCC Colorgrading Event Poster

This panel discussion will highlight the role that media representation plays in shaping and influencing social perception of certain marginalized groups. Racial minorities are often portrayed in film and television in stereotypical ways that adversely affect their communities.

This discussion aims to inspire change in the art of storytelling. Whether we are screenwriting, directing, acting, designing, etc., we have a collective responsibility to ensure that what we create and portray does not contribute to the misrepresentation of marginalized communities. This discussion will also emphasize the role of the active consumer, who does not merely watch for enjoyment, but uses a critical eye to support art that adds to a more inclusive, diverse, accessible, and equitable creative ecosystem.


Wanda S. Bryce (SPS, Tisch)

NYU Changemaker Social Impact Grant Recipient


Alrick A. Brown (Tisch, UGFTV)

Randall Dottin (New York Film Academy)

Maryann Erigha (UGA)

Ian Harnarine (Tisch, UGFTV)

Alfonso Morgan-Terrero (Tisch, UGFTV)