Leticia Berrizbeitia Añez
PhD Candidate

Title: Cinema is not a Luxury: A Feminist Diasporic Rewriting of Latin American Cineastes Prudencia Grifell and Margot Benacerraf
Supervisor: Feng-Mei Heberer
Leticia Berrizbeitia Añez is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Cinema Studies at New York University. Her research focuses on feminist film historiography, Latin American film studies, and its intersections with the experiences of gender and migration. Her interests include gender and queer studies, contemporary ethics, film-philosophy, and non-fiction media.
Leticia is trained in documentary filmmaking and has a background in development and gender equality, having worked for the UN Women Training Center. She holds an MPhil in Contemporary Philosophy from the Universitat de Barcelona, an MA in Creative Documentary from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a BA in Social Communications and Audiovisual Arts from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.