Allie Whalen, Spring 2014

Friday, Jun 20, 2014

Allie Whalen, American Jewish Historical Society, Spring 2014, IMLS

At the American Jewish Historical Society, I was the first to assess the entire audio visual collection that is composed of numerous formats such as film, audio discs, and several variations of magnetic media. I conducted an item-level inspection of the collection and recorded all of my findings into a spreadsheet to later be integrated into the finding aid and database. In addition to this primary task, I talked to outside vendors about cleaning and digitization as well as consulted other departments within the organization about conservation. During my internship, I met archivists and conservators from the four different organizations that make up the Center for Jewish History and developed my own workflow to process the AV materials.

Allie Whalen at the American Jewish Historical Society

Allie Whalen at the American Jewish Historical Society