Jasmyn Castro, New York Public Library, Fall 2014, IMLS
During the fall of 2014, I interned at the Film and Video Reserve located at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Under the supervision of Elena Rossi-Snook, NYPL film archivist, I was given the opportunity to work directly with various 16mm film prints and perform and number of different tasks. While at NYPL, most of my time was spent inspecting the Morten Parker Film Collection, which consists of roughly fifty 16mm films that range from the 1940s to the 1980s. I filled out inspection reports for each film and noted the content of each film so NYPL staff could decide what films to add to the Film and Video Reserve collection. After interning at the NYPL Film and Video Reserve, I feel like I can confidently begin my career as a moving image archivist after graduation.

Jasmyn Castro