MIAP Bibliography

This is a list of required and recommended readings for all classes in the MIAP program. Funding for this project was provided by the Getty Foundation.


"Quicktime." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuickTime (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

"Wotsit.Org: The Programmer's File and Data Resource." Wotsit.org. http://www.wotsit.org (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

"Internet Archive: Wayback Machine." Internet Archive. http://www.archive.org/web/web.php (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer v. Grokster, 545 U.S. 913,04-480 (U.S Supreme Court 2005).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer v. Grokster, 380 F.3d 1154,03-55894 (United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit 2004).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

The Film Preservation Guide: The Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums., edited by Annette Melville. San Francisco: Film Preservation Foundation, 2004, https://www.filmpreservation.org/preservation-basics/the-film-preservation-guide (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

"International Business; Investigators Raid Offices of Kazaa in Australia." New York Times, February 7, 2004, sec. Business, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C01EEDC1E3BF934A35751C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

"Professional Organizations of Interest to MIAP Students." NYU Moving Image Archiving and Preservation. http://miap.hosting.nyu.edu/program/03fall/orgs-list.html (accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

"Special Issue: Manual for Access to Film Collections." Journal of Film Preservation 53, (1997): 6-41
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

"Transcript of Discussion." Cinema Journal XIV, no. 2 (1974-1975): 47-63
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Sound and the Story. Jam Handy Organization, 1956; MPEG4;http://www.archive.org/details/SoundAndTheS (accessed on January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Command Performance. William J. Ganz Co., 1942; MPEG4;http://www.archive.org/details/CommandP1942 (accessed on January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

How You See It. Jam Handy Organization, 1936; MPEG4; http://www.archive.org/details/HowYouSe1936 (accessed on January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

"Research in Moving Image Archives: The Perspective of an Outside Researcher." AMIA Conference, 1998, 
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Abbott, John E. and Iris Barry. "An Outline of a Project for Founding the Film Library of the Museum of Modern Art." Film History 7, no. 3 (Autumn, 1995): 325-335
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Adelstein, Peter Z. IPI Media Storage Quick Reference. Rochester: Image Permanence Institute, 2004.
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

ALA Tech Source. "Library Technology Reports." https://journals.ala.org/index.php/ltr (accessed March 16, 2021).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Alkin, E. G. M. Sound Recording and Reproduction. 3rd ed. Boston: Focal Press, 1996.
Introduction to MIAP, 2003

American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). "AIC Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice." https://www.culturalheritage.org/about-conservation/code-of-ethics (accessed March 16, 2021).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Definitions of Conservation Terminology." https://www.culturalheritage.org/docs/default-source/governance/definitions-of-conservation-terminology.pdf?sfvrsn=32cfb03d_4 (accessed March 16, 2021).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

American Library Association. MGM Studios, Inc v. Grokster, Ltd. Chicago: American Library Association, 2008,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:3350/ala/washoff/woissues/copyrightb/copyrightcases/copyrightcourt.cfm#grok;(accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

———. "American Library Association Preservation Policy." http://www.ala.org/alcts/resources/preserv/08alaprespolicy 
(accessed March 16, 2021).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

American Library Association, Canadian Library Association and Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition, 2002 Revision: 2004 Update. Chicago: American Library Association, 2004.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

American Museum of Natural History. "American Museum of Natural History." American Museum of Natural History. http://www.amnh.org/ (accessed March 10, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

American Museum of the Moving Image. "Shutters, Sprockets, and Tubes." American Museum of the Moving Image. http://www.movingimage.us/ (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

AMIA Cataloging and Digital Initiatives Committees. "MIC Cataloging & Metadata Portal." Moving Image Collections. http://mic.loc.gov/catalogers_portal/cat_index.htm (accessed January 11, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Anderson, Chris. The Long Tail. Wired Magazine, October, 2004,http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.10/tail.html (accessed February 7, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Anderson, Trevor and Enticknap, Leo. "Projection Best Practices." Moving Image Collections.http://mic.imtc.gatech.edu/programmers_portal/exhibit_bstprac.htm (accessed January 14, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Apple Computer. "What's New in Quicktime." Apple Computer.http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/whatsnew.htm (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Archivists' Toolkit Project. "Archivists' Toolkit." The Archivists' Toolkit. http://www.archiviststoolkit.org/(accessed February 7, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2007

Arms, Caroline R. and Carl Fleischhauer. Digital Formats: Factors for Sustainability, Functionality, and Quality. Washington, DC: Digital Library Federation, 2003, https://memory.loc.gov/ammem/techdocs/digform/Formats_IST05_paper.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Ascher, Steven and Edward Pincus. The Filmmaker's Handbook : A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age. Completely rev. and updat ed. New York, N.Y.: Plume, 1999.
Film Preservation, 2006

Asma, Stephen T. Stuffed Animals & Pickled Heads : The Culture and Evolution of Natural History Museums. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006

Association of Cinema and Video Laboratories. ACVL Handbook. 5th ed.Association of Cinema and Video Laboratories, [?], http://www.acvl.org/acvl_manual/index.html (accessed January 14, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Association of Moving Image Archivists. AMIA Compendium of Cataloging Practice for Moving Image Materials. Los Angeles: Association of Moving Image Archivists, 1999,http://www.amianet.org/resources/catalogingnologin.php?accesscheck=%2Fresources%2Fcataloging.php (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. Shrinkage Gauge. Los Angeles: Association of Moving Image Archivists, https://amianet.org/wp-content/uploads/Resources-Shrinkage-Gauge-About-1.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Audio Engineering Society Standards Committee. Magnetic Tape - Care and Handling Practices for Extended Usage. New York: Audio Engineering Society, 2005.
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

———. Storage and Handling -- Storage of Polyester-Base Magnetic Tape. New York: Audio Engineering Society, 1997.
MIAP Internship, 2006

Audio-Visual Prototyping Project. "Illustrative Example of a Statement of Work: Typical Elements for use in a Statement of Work for the Digital Conversion of Sound Recordings and Related Documents." Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/rr/mopic/avprot/audioSOW.html (accessed February 7, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2007

Aufderheide, Pat and Peter Jaszi. Untold Stories: Creative Consequences of the Rights Clearance Culture. Washington, DC: Center for Social Media, School of Communication, American University, 2004, https://archive.cmsimpact.org/sites/default/files/UNTOLDSTORIES_Report.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Australian Society of Archivists. Keeping Archives. Second ed. Port Melbourne, Australia: D W Thorpe, 1993.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Bachman, Rebecca, Laurenson, Pip, Weaver, Heather and Van Bogart, John. "Video Preservation Resources: Glossary." Bay Area Video Coalition. https://cool.culturalheritage.org/byorg/bavc/bavcterm.html (accessed March 16, 2021).

Baker, Nicholson. "The Projector." In The Size of Thoughts, 36-50. New York: Random House, 1996. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Baldock, Mark. "The Ultimate Table of Formats -- Aspect Ratios." efilmcenter. https://soma.sbcc.edu/users/davega/FILMPRO_170_CINEMATOGRAPHY_I/FILMPRO_170_04_Reference_Notes/Aspect_Ratios/AspectRatios.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Baudrillard, Jean. "The System of Collecting." In Cultures of Collecting. Translated by Roger Cardinal, 7-24. London: Reaktion, 1994. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2006; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Becker, Snowden. "Family in a can: The Presentation and Preservation of Home Movies in Museums."The Moving Image 1, no. 2 (Fall, 2001): 89-106
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006

Belk, Russell W. Collecting in a Consumer Society. The Collecting Cultures Series. London ; New York: Routledge, 1995.
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

———. "A Brief History of Collecting." In Collecting in Consumer Society, 22-64. New York: Routledge, 1995. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Benedict, Karen. Ethics and the Archival Profession: an Introduction and Case Studies. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2003.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Benjamin, Walter. "Unpacking My Library: A Talk about Book Collecting." In Illuminations. Translated by Harry Zohn, edited by Hannah Arendt, 59-67. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2006; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." In Illuminations, edited by Hannah Arendt. New York: Schocken, 1969. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Bensinger, Charles. The Video Guide. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara: Video-Info Publications, 1981, https://cool.culturalheritage.org/videopreservation/vid_guide/index.html (accessed January 3, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. New York: Viking, 1972.
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Bernstein, David. "Music Royalties Rise, Even as CD Sales Fall." New York Times, January 26, 2004, sec. Business, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C02E1D91738F935A15752C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Besser, Howard. The Museum-Library-Archive. New York: NYU Moving Image Archiving and Preservation, 2004, http://miap.hosting.nyu.edu/program/04spring/chin-libraries.html (accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "The Next Stage: Moving from Isolated Digital Collections to Interoperable Digital Libraries." First Monday 7, no. 6 (June, 2002): January 15, 2008, 
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "The Commodification of Culture Harms Creators." Information Commons, American Library Association Wye River Retreat, October 2001, Howard Besser, http://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/howard/Copyright/ala-commons.html (accessed March 16, 2021).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Impact of New Information Resources: Multimedia and Networks." Howard Besser. http://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/impact/ (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "Digital Longevity." In Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access, edited by Maxine Sitts, 155-166. Andover, MA: National Document Conservation Center, 1999, http://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/howard/Papers/sfs-longevity.html (accessed March 16, 2021).
Handling New Media, 2004

———. "The Changing Role of Photographic Collections with the Advent of Digitization." In The Wired Museum, edited by Katherine Jones-Garmil. Washington: American Association of Museums, 1997. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "The Transformation of the Museum and the Way it's Perceived." In The Wired Museum, 153-169. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums, 1997. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "The Shape of the 21st Century Library." In Information Imagineering: Meeting at the Interface, edited by Milton Wolf, 133-146. Chicago: American Library Association, 1995, http://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/howard/Papers/peters.html (accessed March 16, 2021).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Fast Forward: The Future of Moving Image Collections." In Video Collection Management and Development: A Multi-Type Library Perspective, edited by Gary Handman, 411-426. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "From Internet to Information Superhighway." In Resisting the Virtual Life: The Culture and Politics of Information, edited by James Brook and Iain A. Boal, 59-70. San Francisco: City Lights, 1994, http://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/howard/Papers/brook-book.html (accessed March 16, 2012).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Movies-on-Demand may significantly Change the Internet." ASIS Bulletin 20, no. 7 (October / November, 1994): 15-17, http://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/howard/Papers/asis-bul.html (accessed March 16, 2021)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Content-Based Retrieval." http://miap.hosting.nyu.edu/program/04fall/content-based-retrieval.html (accessed March 1, 2008).
Access to Moving Images, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Bigourdan, Jean-Louis, Coffey, Liz and Swanson, Dwight. "The Home Film Preservation Guide." Film Forever. http://www.filmforever.org (accessed January 2, 2008).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Blasko, Edward. "Theatrical Projection." In The Book of Film Care, 62-69. Rochester: Eastman Kodak, 1992, 
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Bopp, Richard E., and Linda C. Smith. Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. Third ed. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2001.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Bordwell, David and Kristin Thompson. "Film Scholars and Film Archives." Bulletin FIAF 45, (1992): 38-43
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Borges, Jorge L. "The Library of Babel." https://maskofreason.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/the-library-of-babel-by-jorge-luis-borges.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Borgman, Christine. "The Premise and Promise of a Global Information Infrastructure." First Monday 5, no. 8 (August, 2000): March 10, 2008, 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Karl Kurt Bosse. Electromagnetism. Anonymous , 1920s [?]; MPEG4;http://www.archive.org/details/electromagnetism (accessed on January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Bottomore, Stephen. "A Critical View of some Major Libraries: The Perspective of an Early Cinema Historian." The Moving Image 4, no. 2 (Fall, 2004): 87-110
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

———. "The Collection of Rubbish. Animatographs, Archives and Arguments: London 1896-97." Film History 7, no. 3 (Autumn, 1995): 291-297
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Bourdieu, Pierre. The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature. Cambridge: Polity, 1993.
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Bowser, Eileen and John Kuiper. A Handbook for Film Archives. New York: Garland, 1991.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Boynton, Robert S. "The Tyranny of Copyright?" New York Times, January 25, 2004, sec. Magazine, https://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/25/magazine/the-tyranny-of-copyright.html (accessed March 16, 2021)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Breeding, Marshall. "Library Technology Guides." http://librarytechnology.org/ (accessed March 16, 2021).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Breen, Majella, Gila Flam, et al (Ed.), and IASA Task Force on Selection. Task Force to Establish Selection Criteria of Analogue and Digital Audio Contents for Transfer to Data Formats for Preservation Purpose. Hungary: International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, IASA Editorial Group, 2003, https://www.iasa-web.org/sites/default/files/downloads/publications/taskforce.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Brooks, Connie. "Videotape Preservation: Ethical Considerations." In Playback: A Preservation Primer for Video, 18-24. San Fracisco: Bay Area Video Coalition, 1998. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Brown, Harold. "Film Joins (Splices): Comments on Cement and Tape Splices." In Technical ManualFIAF Preservation Commission, 1985. 
MIAP Internship, 2006

Browne, Rachelle V. "Risk Management: What can I do and how Safe is it?" OCLC Copyright Online Resource Kit, IMLS Webwise Conference, OCLC/AMIA Annual Meeting, November 17, 2003, OCLC,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:8720/da/ViewObjectMain.jsp;jsessionid=84ae0c5f824018113916557645999b1ed80d965595a4?fileid=0000016179:000000676940&reqid=8401#risk; (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

———. "What can I do and how Safe is it?" "Copyright in a Digital Age" (Society of American Archivists Symposium), Los Angeles, August 20, 2003, 
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Brownlow, Kevin. "Magnificent Obsession: A Collector and the Archives." In The Lumiere Project: The European Film Archives at the Crossroads, edited by Catherine A. Surowiec, 219-229. Lisbon: MEDIA Programme, 1996. 
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

Buckland, Michael. "What is a Document?" Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48, no. 9 (1997): 804-809
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Emanuel Goldberg, Electronic Document Retrieval, and Vannevar Bush's Memex." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 43, no. 4 (May, 1992): 284-294,http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~buckland/goldbush.html (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Bulterman, Dick C. A. "Is it Time for a Moratorium on Metadata?" IEEE Multimedia (October-December, 2004): 10-17
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Burcaw, G. Ellis. Introduction to Museum Work. Nashville: American Association for State and Local History, 1975.
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Bush, Vannevar. "As we may Think." Atlantic Monthly no. 176 (1945): 101-108,http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/194507/bush (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Byers, Fred R. Care and Handling of CDs and DVDs: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources and National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2003, https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/003875626 (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007; Handling New Media, 2004; Collection Management, 2007

California Library Association. California Intellectual Freedom Handbook: A Manual for California Librarians. Sacramento: California Library Association, 1992.
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

CAMiLEON Project. "Creative Archiving at Michigan and Leeds Emulating the Old on the New." CAMiLEON Project. https://www.dpconline.org/docs/miscellaneous/events/270-future-r-d-wheatley/file (accessed March 16, 2021).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Canadian Council of Archives. "Disaster Planning and Recovery." Chap. 5, In Basic Conservation of Archival Materials. Revised Edition ed., 40-50. Ottawa: Canadian Council of Archives, 2003,http://www.cdncouncilarchives.ca/RBch5_en.pdf (accessed January 10, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Carnegie Mellon University. "Informedia." http://www.informedia.cs.cmu.edu/ (accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Case, Dominic D. Motion Picture Film Processing. Boston: Focal Press, 1985.
Introduction to MIAP, 2003

Cavell, Stanley. "The World as Things: Collecting Thoughts on Collecting." In Cavell on Film, edited by William Rothman. New York: State University of New York Press, 2005. 
The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

CED Magic. "Pictorial History of Media Technology." CED Magic.http://www.cedmagic.com/history/index.html (accessed January 3, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

CEDARS Project. "Cedars: Curl Exemplars in Digital Archives." CEDARS Project. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2506488_CEDARS_Digital_Preservation_and_Metadata (accessed March 16, 2021).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Center for Social Media. "Center for Social Media at American University." Center for Social Media.http://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/ (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

———. The "Statement of Best Practices" FAQ. Washington, DC: Center for Social Media, 2005 , https://archive.cmsimpact.org/faq-librarians-code-best-practices-fair-use-academic-and-research-libraries (accessed March 16, 2021).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Charles Babbage Institute Center for the History of Information Technology. "Other Resources." Charles Babbage Institute Center for the History of Information Technology.http://www.cbi.umn.edu/resources/index.html (accessed August 31, 2004).
Handling New Media, 2004

Cherchi Usai, Paolo. The Death of Cinema : History, Cultural Memory and the Digital Dark Age. London: British Film Institute, 2001.
The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

———. Silent Cinema : An Introduction. [Passione infiammabile.]. London: BFI Pub., 2000.
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007;Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007.

Child, Margaret S. Directory of Information Sources on Scientific Research Related to the Preservation of Sound Recordings, Still and Moving Images and Magnetic Tape. Washington, DC: Commission on Preservation and Access, 2003, http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/child/child.html (accessed January 2, 2008).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003

Cigognetti, Luisa. "Historians and TV Archives." In The Historian, Television and Television History, edited by G. Roberts and P. M. Taylor, 33-38. Luton: University of Luton Press, 2001. 
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Clanchy, M. T. "Looking Back from the Invention of Printing." Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress39, no. 3 (1994): 309-332
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Clausen, Lars. Handling File Formats. Arhus and Copenhagen: The State and University Library/ The Royal Library, 2004, http://netarkivet.dk/wp-content/uploads/FileFormats-2004.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Clement, A. "Considering Privacy in the Development of Multimedia Communications." In Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices, edited by R. Kling. 2nd ed., 907-931. San Diego: Academic Press, 1996. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Clifford, James. "On Collecting Art and Culture." In The Predicament of Culture : Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art, 215-251. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988. 
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

Collaborative Digitization Program. "Digital Audio Resources." CDP@BCR.http://www.cdpheritage.org/digital/audio/resources.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Columbia University Libraries. Special Collections Materials Survey Instrument. New York: Columbia University Libraries, 2003-4[?], https://library.columbia.edu/services/preservation/survey_tools.html (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Connelly, Sharon. "Authorship, Ownership, and Control: Balancing the Economic and Artistic Issues Raised by the Martha Graham Copyright Case." Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal 15, (Spring, 2005): 837-891
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Copyright Collection. Slow fires : on the preservation of the human record. Anonymous , 1987; 
Preservation and Conservation: Principles, 2007

Cornell University. "Checklist for Conducting Fair use Analysis." https://copyright.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/2016-10/Fair_Use_Checklist.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Cornell University Library / Research Department. "Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging Tutorial - Basic Terminology." Cornell University Library / Research Department. http://preservationtutorial.library.cornell.edu/contents.html (accessed March 16, 2021).
Handling New Media, 2004

Corporation for Public Broadcasting. "User Guide to PBCore Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary." Corporation for Public Broadcasting. http://www.pbcore.org/PBCore/UserGuide.html (accessed January 11, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Courant, Paul N. "Scholarship in Academic Libraries (and their Kin) in the World of Google." First Monday11, no. 8 (August, 2006): January 2, 2008, (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Cox, Mike, Linda Tadic, and Ellen Mulder. Descriptive Metadata for Television: An End-to-End Introduction. Bulington, MA: Focal Press, 2006.
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2007

Creative Commons. "Creative Commons." Creative Commons. http://creativecommons.org/ (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Cultural Resource Management Program (CRMP), Division of Continuing Studies at the University of Victoria. "Best Practices in Museum Website Design."http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/crmp/museumwebsites/index.aspx (accessed March 1, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Dance Heritage Coalition. "The DHC Digital Video Preservation Reformatting Project." Dance Heritage Coalition. http://www.danceheritage.org/preservation/digital.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

Davidson, Steven and Gregory Lukow. The Administration of Television Newsfilm and Videotape Collections : A Curatorial Manual. 1st ed. Los Angeles; Miami: American Film Institute; Louis Wolfson II Media History Center, 1997.
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

de Valck, Marijke and Malte Hagener. Cinephilia : Movies, Love and Memory. Film Culture in Transition. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2005.
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Desjardins, Mary. "Ephemeral Culture/ eBay Culture: Film Collectibles and Fan Investments." In Everyday eBay : Culture, Collecting, and Desire, edited by Ken Hillis, Michael Petit and Nathan Scott Epley, 31-43. New York: Routledge, 2006. 
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Dietz, Steve, Howard Besser, and Kati Geber. The Virtual Museum: The Next Generation, Report to the Canadian Heritage Information Network[unpublished], 2004, [no longer available online] 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Digital Library Federation. An Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Update. Washington, DC: Digital Library Federation, 2004, https://old.diglib.org/preserve/ERA2004.htm (accessed March 16, 2021).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Dingwall, Glenn. "Trusting Archivists: The Role of Archival Ethics Codes in Establishing Public Faith." The American Archivist 67, no. 1 (Spring/Summer, 2004): 11-30
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

DOCAM Project. "Documentation Et Conservation Du Patrimoine Des Arts Mediatiques." DOCAM Project. https://www.docam.ca/en.html (accessed March 16, 2021).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Douglas, Mary. "Institutions Cannot have Minds of their Own." In How Institutions Think, 9-19. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1986. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Drucker, Johanna. "The Codex and its Variations." In the Century of Artists' Books, 121-59. New York: Granary Books, 1997. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

DSpace. "Dspace." DSpace. http://www.dspace.org/ (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Eastman Kodak. "Dealing with a Laboratory." In Motion Picture Film. Rochester: Eastman Kodak, 2000. 
MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "Splicing for the Professional." Eastman Kodak Film Notes H-50, no. 01 ([date?]), http://www.film-tech.com/warehouse/wareview.php?id=949&category=2 (accessed January 12, 2008)
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "Chronology of MP Films." Eastman Kodak. https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/3454683/kodak-film-history-chronology-of-motion-picture-aip-cinema (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "Handling Processed Film." Eastman Kodak. https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/17977568/storage-and-handling-of-processed-film-kodak (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Editorial. "An Unexpected Artifact." New York Times, January 22, 2004, sec. Opinion, https://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/22/opinion/an-unexpected-artifact.html (accessed March 16, 2021)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Edmondson, Ray. Audiovisual Archiving: Philosophy and Principles. Paris: UNESCO, 2004, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265756727_Audiovisual_Archiving_Philosophy_and_Principles 
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Handling New Media, 2004; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007; Introduction to MIAP 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2006; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "You Only Live Once: On being a Troublemaking Professional." The Moving Image 2, no. 1175-183 (Spring, 2002)
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Parallel Lives: Britain's National Film and Television Archive and Australia's National Film and Sound Archive Under Threat." https://www.sensesofcinema.com/2004/australian-film-culture/archives_under_threat/ (accessed March 16, 2021).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Egbert, David. "Quicktime History Timeline." David Egbert. http://david.egbert.name/quicktime/history/[no longer available online]).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Electronic Frontier Foundation: Defending Freedom in the Digital World." Electronic Frontier Organization. http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:11559/ (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Elliott, Stuart. "Can You TiVo to See just the Ads?" New York Times, February 7, 2006, sec. Business,http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/07/business/media/07adco.html (accessed February 7, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Elsner, John and Roger Cardinal. The Cultures of Collecting. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994.
The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

Enticknap, Leo Douglas Graham. Moving Image Technology : From Zoetrope to Digital. London ; New York: Wallflower Press, 2005.
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Evans, Jessica. "Nation and Representation." In Representing the Nation: A Reader: Histories, Heritage and Museums, edited by David Boswell and Jessica Evans, 1-8. New York: Routledge, 1999. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Eye-One Color. "How Well do You Speak in Color." Eye-One Color. http://i1color.com/knowledge/(accessed August 31, 2004).
Handling New Media, 2004

Farnsworth, Elizabeth. Saving Orphan Films. PBS Online NewsHour, January 15, 2001, https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/saving-orphan-films (accessed March 16, 2021).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Feather, John. The Information Society: A Study of Continuity and Change. London: Library Association Publishing, 1994.
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Fisher, Kim. On the Screen: A Film, Television, and Video Research Guide. Littleton, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1986.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Flanagan, Mary. "'Next Level': Women's Digital Activism through Gaming." In Digital Media Revisited, 389-414. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003. 
Handling New Media, 2004

Folland Software Systems. "The Data Magician." http://www.folland.com (accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Foreign Languages and Literatures Department, MIT. "A La Rencontre De Philippe: Meeting Philippe." Massachusetts Institute of Technology. https://mitgsl.mit.edu/research/digital-humanities-and-creative-pedagogies/la-rencontre-de-philippe (accessed March 16, 2021).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Francis, David. "Challenges of Archiving in the 21st Century." Journal of Film Preservation 65, (December, 2002): 18-23
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

Frost, Hannah. "Surveying Sound Recording Collections." Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections Symposium, Austin, Texas, July 24-26, 2003, Association of Research Libraries, https://www.arl.org/resources/sound-savings-preserving-audio-collections/ (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Frost, Hannah and PARS Recording and Photographic Media Committee of the American Library Association. "Audio Preservation." Conservation OnLine. https://cool.culturalheritage.org/bytopic/audio/ (accessed March 16, 2021).
Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. "Electronic Storage Media." Conservation OnLine. https://cool.culturalheritage.org/bytopic/electronic-records/electronic-storage-media/ (accessed March 16, 2021).
Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

Frye, Brian. "The Accidental Preservationist: An Interview with Bill Brand." Film History 15, no. 2 (2003): 214
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Furrie, Betty and Data Base Development Department of The Follett Software Company. "Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Machine-Readable Cataloging." Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress / The Follett Software Company. http://www.loc.gov/marc/umb/ (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Gartenberg, Jon. "The Fragile Emulsion." The Moving Image 2, no. 2 (Fall, 2002): 142-152
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006; Film Preservation, 2006

America's Cultural Record: A Thing of the Past? 40 Hous. L. Rec 643 sess., 2003,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:11618/%7Eunclng/America%27s%20cultural%20record.htm (accessed January 2, 2008)
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Gasaway, Lolly. "When Works Pass into the Public Domain." University of North Carolina. https://www.copyright.com/Services/copyrightoncampus/basics/law_public.html (accessed March 16, 2021).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007.

Gates, Jean Key. Introduction to Librarianship. 3rd ed. New York: Neal Shuman, 1990.
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Gertz, Janet. "[Presentation from JTS 2007]." Joint Technical Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2007, [no link provided] (accessed [not retreived]).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Getty Research Institute. "Art and Architecture Thesaurus."http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/aat/ (accessed March 1, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Gilliland-Swetland, Anne J. Enduring Paradigm, New Opportunities: The Value of the Archival Perspective in the Digital Environment.Council on Library and Information Resources, 2000,http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub89/contents.html (accessed March 8, 2008).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003, Introduction to MIAP, 2004, Introduction to MIAP, 2005, Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Gilpin, Kenneth N. "Thomas G. Stockham Jr., 70, Digital Pioneer." New York Times, January 31, 2004, sec. Technology, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940CE7DB1E38F932A05752C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Glaser, Jane R. and Artemis A. Zenetou. "Museum Professional Positions: Qualifications, Duties, and Responsibilities." In Museums: A Place to Work: Planning Museum Careers , 65-125. London; New York: Routledge, 1996. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Goerke, Franz. "Proposal for Establishing an Archive for Moving Pictures (1912)." Historical Journal of Film, Television and Radio 16, no. 1 (March, 1996): 9-13
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

Gordon, Paul L. and Craig Jones. The Book of Film Care. Kodak Publication. Vol. H-23. Rochester, N.Y.: Kodak, Motion Picture and Audiovisual Markets Division, 1983.
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006

Gray, Frank and Elaine Sheppard. "Moving History: Promoting Moving Image Archive Collections in an Emerging Digital Age." The Moving Image 4, no. 2 (Fall, 2004): 110-118
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Greene, Mark A. and Dennis Meissner. "More Product, Less Process: Revamping Traditional Archival Processing." The American Archivist 68, (Fall/ Winter, 2005): 208-263
Preservation and Conservation: Principles, 2007

Grimm, Charles 'Buckey'. "A Paper Print Pre-History." Film History 11, no. 2 (1999): 204-216
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Hafner, Katie. "Let's all Gather Round the Screen." New York Times, February 5, 2004, sec. Technology,http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/05/technology/circuits/05thea.html?ex=1205208000&en=674761d50017a4df&ei=5070 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Harper, Georgia K. "The Copyright Crash Course." Georgia K. Harper. https://guides.lib.utexas.edu/copyright (accessed March 16, 2021).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Harris, Roma M. "Pressing for Change within: The Professionalization Movement." In Librarianship: The Erosion of a Woman's Profession, 3-21. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1992. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Harrison, Helen P., ed. Audiovisual Archives. A Practical Reader. Paris: UNESCO, 1997,http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0010/001096/109612eo.pdf (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Hartwig, Robert L. Basic TV Technology : Digital and Analog. 3rd ed. Boston: Focal Press, 2000.
Introduction to MIAP, 2003

Hedstrom, Margaret and Clifford Lampe. "Emulation Vs. Migration: Do Users Care?" RLG DigiNews 5, no. 6 (December 15, 2001): February 25, 2008, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228737832_Emulation_vs_Migration_Do_Users_Care 
Handling New Media, 2004

Hein, Hilde S. "Museum Typology." In The Museum in Transition: A Philosophical Perspective, 17-36. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2000. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Introduction: From Object to Experience." In The Museum in Transition: A Philosophical Perspective, 1-16. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2000. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Helm, Burt. "Google's Escalating Book Battle." Business Week (October 20, 2005) (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Hess, Richard. "Formats." Richard L. Hess. http://richardhess.com/notes/formats/ (accessed January 15, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2006

Hill, Rosaleen. Videotape Preservation: Format Identification and Condition Assessment (Part I). AABC Newsletter, Summer, 2005, https://www.arts.texas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/video.pdf (accessed March 16, 2021).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Holson, Laura M. "Pixar to Find its Own Way as Disney Partnership Ends." New York Times, January 31, 2004, sec. Business, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B0DE0DE1F38F932A05752C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Houston, Penelope and British Film Institute. Keepers of the Frame : The Film Archives. London: British Film Institute, 1994.
The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Hudson, Kenneth. "Attempts to Define 'Museum'." In Representing the Nation: A Reader: Histories, Heritage and Museums, edited by David Boswell and Jessica Evans, 371-379. New York: Routledge, 1999. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII), University of Glasgow and National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). "NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials." National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). http://www.nyu.edu/its/humanities/ninchguide/ (accessed March 1, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Humphrys, Barbara Jeanne and Carl Fleischhauer. Re: [AMIA-L] Digital Film/Video Preservation Research Query--Long Message. AMIA-L2005, http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/amia-l/2005/03/msg00142.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Hunter, William. "The Dot Eaters: Videogame History 101." William Hunter. https://thedoteaters.com/ (accessed March 16, 2021).
Handling New Media, 2004

Huwe, Terence. "Being Organic Gives Reference Librarians the Edge Over Computers." Computers in Libraries 23, no. 5 (2004), http://www.infotoday.com/cilmag/may04/huwe.shtml
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Ide, Mary, Dave MacCarn, Thom Shepard, and Leah Weisse. "Understanding the Preservation Challenge of Digital Television." In Building a National Strategy for Preservation: Issues in Digital Media Archiving, 67-79. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources/ Library of Congress, 2002,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:4219/pubs/reports/pub106/television.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Iisakkila, Mika. "Video Recording Formats." Mika Iisakkila.http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:19921/~iisakkil/videoformats.html#backgr (accessed January 3, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Image Permanence Institute. Step-by-Step Workbook: Achieving a Preservation Environment for Collections. Rochester: Image Permanence Institute, 2005,http://www.imagepermanenceinstitute.org/shtml_sub/cnbworkbook.pdf (accessed January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

———. User's Guide for A-D Strips Film Base Deterioration Monitors. Rochester: Image Permanence Institute, 2001.
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

INCCA/ Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN). "International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art." INCCA/ Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN). http://www.incca.org/
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Independent Media Arts Preservation. "Sample Records." Independent Media Arts Preservation.http://www.imappreserve.org/cat_proj/sample_records.html (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

Innis, Harold A. "Media in Ancient Empires." In Communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society, edited by D. Crowley and P. Heyer. White Plains, NY: Longman, 1995. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Integrated Library System Reports. "Sample Reports." http://ilsr.com/sample.htm (accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

International Federation of Film Archives. Film Cataloging. Brussels: FIAF, 1979.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF). "Code of Ethics."http://www.fiafnet.org/uk/members/ethics.cfm (accessed March 9, 2008).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

InterPARES 2 Project. "Interpares 2 Project: International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems." InterPARES 2 Project. http://www.interpares.org/ip2/ip2_index.cfm (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

InterPARES Project. The Long-Term Preservation of Authentic Electronic Records. Vancouver: InterPARES Project, 2001[?], http://www.interpares.org/book/ (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. Appraisal Task Force Report. Vancouver: InterPARES Project, 2001[?],www.interpares.org/book/interpares_book_e_part2.pdf (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. "Chamber of Horrors: Obsolete and Endangered Media - Introduction." Cornell University Library. http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/dpm/dpm-eng/oldmedia/index.html (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

———. "Digital Preservation Management: Implementing Short-Term Solutions for Long-Term Problems - Obsolescence and Physical Threats." Cornell University Library. http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/dpm/dpm-eng/oldmedia/index.html (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

IRIS Research. "Virtual Remote Control: Web Tool Evaluation Categories." Cornell University Library.http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:12744/VRC/categories.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "Virtual Remote Control: Good Site Management." Cornell University Library.http://irisresearch.library.cornell.edu/VRC/goodmanagement.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "Virtual Remote Control: Web Tool Resources." Cornell University Library.http://irisresearch.library.cornell.edu/VRC/resources.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Iverson, Sandy. "Librarianship and Resistance." Progressive Librarian no. 15 (Winter, 1998 / 1999): 14-19
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Ivester, Paul. "Guide to Identifying Color Movie Film Stocks." Paul Ivester.http://www.paulivester.com/films/filmstock/guide.htm (accessed January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Jimenez, Mona. "Diane Bertolo's 'Probing into Science'." paper-in-progress, 
Handling New Media, 2004

Jimenez, Mona and Platt, Liss. "Videotape Identification and Assessment Guide." Texas Commission on the Arts. http://www.arts.state.tx.us/video/ (accessed January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Johnson, Catherine A. and Wendy M. Duff. "Chatting Up the Archivist: Social Capital and the Archival Researcher." The American Archivist 68, no. 1 (2005): 113-129
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Johnson, Jane. "Preservation "Lay of the Land"." Moving Image Collections.http://gondolin.rutgers.edu/MIC/text/how/preservation_overview.htm (accessed December 17, 2007).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003

———. "Cataloging "Lay of the Land"." Moving Image Collections.http://gondolin.rutgers.edu/MIC/text/how/cataloging_overview.htm (accessed December 17, 2007).
Introduction to MIAP 2003

Johnson, Kirk. "Along Public Trail, a Church Recounts its History." New York Times, January 23, 2004, sec. U.S., http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A05E7D61139F930A15752C0A9629C8B63(accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Kadie, C. M. "Applying Library Intellectual Freedom Principles to Public and Academic Computers." InComputerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices, edited by R. Kling. 2nd ed., 569-579. San Diego: Academic Press, 1996. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Kattelle, Alan D. "Appendices." In Home Movies : A History of the American Industry, 1897-1979. 1st ed. Nashua, NH: Transition Publishing, 2000. 
Collection Management , 2004

Kennedy, Randy. "So Many Films, but Only a Few are Treasures; Library of Congress Separates Mere Movies from Landmarks." New York Times, February 5, 2004, sec. Arts,http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B00E2D9123BF936A35751C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Kenney, Anne R., Nancy Y. McGovern, Peter Botticelli, Richard Entlich, Carl Lagoze, and Sandra Pavette. "Preservation Risk Management for Web Resources: Virtual Remote Control in Cornell's Project Prism."D-Lib Magazine 8, no. 1 (January 21, 2002),http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:2926/dlib/january02/kenney/01kenney.html (accessed January 16, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Kinzer, Stephen. "Art Institute of Chicago Appoints Courtauld Chief its New Director." New York Times,January 22, 2004, sec. Arts, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C01E3D71339F931A15752C0A9629C8B63&scp=1&sq=Art+Institute+of+Chicago+Appoints+Courtauld+Chief+Its+New+Director&st=nyt(accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. "Objects of Ethnography." In Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display, edited by Ivan Karp and Steven Lavine, 386-443. Washington: Smithsonian Press, 1991. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Klinger, Barbara. Beyond the Multiplex : Cinema, New Technologies, and the Home. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Kopytoff, Verne. "Most Web Users Say Google should Keep Data Private." San Francisco Chronicle,January 24, 2006, sec. E, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/01/24/BUGD1GS5EC1.DTL (accessed February 7, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Kozierok, Charles M. "Construction and Operation of the Hard Disk." In The PC GuideCharles M. Kozierok, 1997, http://www.pcguide.com/ (accessed [section no longer available online]).
MIAP Internship, 2006

Kramer, Edith. "Should a FIAF Archive Ask for Copyright Clearance before Showing a Film? an American Viewpoint." Journal of Film Preservation 47, (1993): 51-52
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Kranich, Nancy. The Information Commons, A Public Policy Report. New York: The Free Expression Policy Project, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School, 2004.
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Krawitz, Jan. "Archival Footage in Documentary Filmmaking: Practical and Aesthetic Considerations."Stanford Humanities Review 7, no. 2 (1999): 102-112
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Krug, Judith. "Censorship and Controversial Materials in Museums, Libraries, and Archives." In Libraries, Museums, and Archives: Legal Issues and Ethical Challenges in the New Information Era, edited by Tomas Lipinski, 59-68. Lantham, MD: Scarecrow, 2002. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Kula, Sam. Appraising Moving Images : Assessing the Archival and Monetary Value of Film and Video Records. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2003.
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. "Archives and Archaeology." Quarterly Review of Film Studies 9, no. 1 (1984): 74-77
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

———. The Archival Appraisal of Moving Images: A RAMP Study with Guidelines. Paris: UNESCO, 1983,http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0005/000576/057669e.pdf (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

Kurin, Richard. "Brokering Culture." In Reflections of a Culture Broker: A View from the Smithsonian, 12-26. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Exhibiting the Enola Gaye." In Reflections of a Culture Broker: A View from the Smithsonian, 71-82. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Lamb, Annette and Johnson, Larry. "Management: Preserving, Maintaining, and Weeding Materials." Mulitmedia Seeds: Audio and Video Collections in Schools and Libraries.http://eduscapes.com/seeds/management/weed.html (accessed January 15, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2006

Lancaster, F. W. Indexing and Abstracting in Theory and Practice. London: Facet, 2003.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Lanham, Richard. "The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology and the Arts [Copyright 101]." Academic Commons (July 25, 2005) (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Lanzi, Elisa. Introduction to Vocabularies: A Guide to Enhancing Access to Cultural Heritage Information.Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Trust, 1998.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Layne, Sara Shatford. "Some Issues in the Indexing of Images." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 45, no. 8 (1994): 583-588
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Leab Martin, Abigail. "No Longer Reinventing the Wheel but Creatively Skinning the Cat: The Goals and Purpose of the Association of Moving Image Archivists' Compendium of Moving Image Cataloging Practice." Film History 13, (2000): 156-173
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Lee, Ellen. "Google's China Policy Protested." San Francisco Chronicle, February 5, 2006, sec. B,http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/02/05/BAGRNH345T1.DTL (accessed February 7, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Library of Congress. "Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard Official Web Site." Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/ (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "Sustainability of Digital Formats Planning for Library of Congress Collections: Moving Images." Library of Congress. http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/formats/content/video.shtml (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "The Section 108 Study Group." Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/section108/ (accessed February 7, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "Thesaurus for Graphic Materials 1: Subject Terms." http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/tgm1/ (accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

———. "MINERVA Web Archiving and Preservation Project." Library of Congress.http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cocoon/minerva/html/minerva-home.html (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "Cylinder, Disc and Tape Care in a Nutshell." Library of Congress.http://www.loc.gov/preserv/care/record.html (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. Archival Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual. 2nd ed. Washington: Library of Congress, 2000.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

———. Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings. 5th ed. Washington DC: Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service, 1996.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

———. "National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP)." Library of Congress. http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Lievrouw, L. A. "Information Resources and Democracy: Understanding the Paradox." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 45, no. 6 (July, 1994): 350-357
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Lipinski, Tomas. "Legal Issues Involved in the Privacy Rights of Patrons in 'Public' Libraries and Archives." In Libraries, Museums, and Archives: Legal Issues and Ethical Challenges in the New Information Era, edited by Tomas Lipinski, 95-112. Lantham, MD: Scarecrow, 2002. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Litwak, Mark. Dealmaking in the Film & Television Industry : From Negotiations to Final Contracts. 2nd ed, expanded & updated ed. Los Angeles: Silman-James Press, 2002.
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

LOCKSS. "Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe." LOCKSS. http://www.lockss.org/lockss/Home (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Loe, Nancy E. "Avoiding the Golden Fleece: Licensing Agreements for Archives." The American Archivist67, no. 1 (Spring/Summer, 2004): 58-77
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Lorie, Raymond. "A Project on Preservation of Digital Data." RLG DigiNews 5, no. 3 (2001), [no longer available online] (accessed [not retrieved])
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Loughney, Patrick G. "Thomas Jefferson's Movie Collection." Film History 12, no. 2 (2000): 174-186
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Lowood, Henry. "Shall we Play a Game: Thoughts on the Computer Game Archive of the Future." Fall 2002, http://www.stanford.edu/class/sts145/Library/shall_game.rtf (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

Lukow, Gregory. "The Politics of Orphanage: The Rise and Impact of the 'Orphan Film' Metaphor on Contemporary Preservation Practice." Orphans of the Storm, University of South Carolina, September 23, 1999, Orphan Film Symposium, http://www.sc.edu/filmsymposium/archive/orphans2001/lukow.html
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Maack, Mary Niles. "Toward a New Model of the Information Professions: Embracing Empowerment."Journal of Education for Library and Information Science no. 38 (1997): 283-302
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Macdonald, Sharon and Roger Silverstone. "Rewriting the Museum's Fictions: Taxonomies, Stories, and Readers." In Representing the Nation: A Reader: Histories, Heritage and Museums, edited by David Boswell and Jessica Evans, 421-434. New York: Routledge, 1999. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Magliozzi, Ronald S. "Film Archiving as a Profession: An Interview with Eileen Bowser." The Moving Image 3, no. 1 (2003): 132-146
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007; Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Malaro, Marie. "Legal and Ethical Foundations of Museum Collecting Policies." In Libraries, Museums, and Archives: Legal Issues and Ethical Challenges in the New Information Era, edited by Tomas Lipinski, 69-82. Lantham, MD: Scarecrow, 2002. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Why Ethics?" In Museum Governance: Mission, Ethics, Policy. 1st ed., 16-21. Washington: Smithsonian, 1994. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003, Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Controlled Collecting: Drafting a Collection Management Policy." In Museum Governance: Mission, Ethics, Policy. 1st ed., 43-49. Washington: Smithsonian, 1994. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Maney, Kevin. "Preloaded iPods Prompt Legal Proceedings; Content-Filled Devices for Sale -- with Higher Price." USA Today, January 24, 2006, Final, sec. B,http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/USAToday/access/975104541.html?did=975104541&FMT=ABS&FMTS=FT&date=Jan+24%2C+2006&author=Kevin+Maney&pub=USA+TODAY&desc=Preloaded+iPods+prompt+legal+ponderings+%3B+Content-filled+devices+for+sale+--+with+higher+price (accessed February 7, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Manovich, Lec. "New Media from Borges to HTML." In The New Media Reader, edited by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort, 13-55. Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 2003. 
Handling New Media, 2004

Manovich, Lev. The Language of New Media. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.
Handling New Media, 2004

Martin, Geoff. "Head Alignment." Geoff Martin. http://www.tonmeister.ca/main/textbook/node436.html(accessed January 14, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Martin, Keeta. "Instructions for using A La Rencontre De Phillippe." Bryn Mawr College Language Learning Center. http://www.brynmawr.edu/llc/help/philippe/philippe.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Matsuszewski, Boleslaw. "A New Source of History: The Creation of a Depository for Historical Cinemtography." Screening the Past (July, 1997)
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

McGovern, Nancy Y., Anne R. Kenney, Richard Entlich, William R. Kehoe, and Ellie Buckley. "Virtual Remote Control: Building a Preservation Risk Management Toolbox for Web Resources." D-Lib Magazine10, no. 4 (April, 2004), http://www.dlib.org/dlib/april04/mcgovern/04mcgovern.html (accessed January 16, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

McGreevey, Tom and Joanne Louise Yeck. Our Movie Heritage. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1997.
The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

McLuhan, Marshall. "The Written Word: An Eye for an Ear." In Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 84-90. New York: Mentor, 1995. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Messier, Paul. "Dara Birnbaum's Tiananmen Square: Break-in Transmission: A Case Study in the Examination, Documentation, and Preservation of a Video-Based Installation." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 40, no. 3 (Fall / Winter, 2001)
Handling New Media, 2004

METS Editorial Board. <METS> Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard: Primer and Reference ManualDigital Library Federation, 2007,http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/METS%20Documentation%20draft%20070310p.pdf (accessed January 11, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Microcosms group. "Cabinets of Curiosity: Sites of Knowledge." UCSB Interdisciplinary Humanities Center. http://microcosms.ihc.ucsb.edu/essays/002.html (accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Milanovic, Miodrag. "File Format Encyclopedia." Miodrag Milanovic.http://pipin.tmd.ns.ac.yu/extra/fileformat/ (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

Miller, Frederic M. Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Mitchelmore, Steve. "Something of Everything." http://www.morose.fsnet.co.uk/reviews/total_library.htm
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007

Morse, Margaret. "The Poetics of Interactivity." In Women, Art and Technology, 17-33. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003. 
Handling New Media, 2004

Motion Picture Association. "Motion Picture Association of America." Motion Picture Assocation.http://www.mpaa.org/ (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Moving Image Collections. "An Overview of the Film Preservation Process." Moving Image Collections.http://mic.imtc.gatech.edu/preservationists_portal/presv_process.htm (accessed January 11, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "Glossary of Cataloging and General Terms." Moving Image Collections.http://gondolin.rutgers.edu/MIC/text/how/catalog_glossary.htm (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

Moving Image Collections (MIC). "Cataloging and Metadata Portal."http://mic.imtc.gatech.edu/catalogers_portal/cat_system.htm (accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Images, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Munt, Alex. "Jean-Luc Godard Exhibition." Senses of Cinema no. 40 (2006): August 30, 2006,http://www.sensesofcinema.com/contents/06/40/godard-travels-in-utopia 
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006

Murray, Peter. "Report on the Symposium for the Adoption of JPEG 2000 in Archives and Libraries." University of Connecticut Libraries. http://www.pandc.org/peter/presentations/cni-fall2004-j2karclib/(accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005

Musgrove, Mike. "Nikon Will Stop Making most of its Film Cameras." San Francisco Chronicle, January 13, 2006, sec. C, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/01/13/BUGC3GML7I1.DTL&hw=nikon&sn=001&sc=1000 (accessed February 7, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

My File Formats. "My File Formats." My File Formats. http://www.myfileformats.com (accessed August 31, 2004).
Handling New Media, 2004

National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program. Preserving Digital Public Television.Library of Congress, 2006; RealMedia;http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:2608/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=3848 (accessed on February 7, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2007

National Film and Sound Archive [Australia]. "Film Preservation Handbook." National Film and Sound Archive [Australia]. http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:18803/preservation/film_handbook/ (accessed January 2, 2008).
Film Preservation, 2006; MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "Technical Glossary of Common Audiovisual Terms." National Film and Sound Archive [Australia].http://screensound.gov.au/preservation/audiovisual_terms/ (accessed January 15, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "Disaster Planning." National Film and Sound Archive [Australia].http://www.nfsa.afc.gov.au/preservation/film_handbook/disaster_planning.html (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

National Film and Sound Archive Advisory Committee. Time in our Hands. Canberra, Australia: National Film and Sound Archive, 1985.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

National Film Preservation Board. "Legislative Initiatives of Interest to Moving Image Preservation Community." Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/film/legislation.html (accessed March 3, 2008).

National Film Preservation Foundation. "NFPF Grants." National Film Preservation Foundation.http://www.filmpreservation.org/grants/apply.html (accessed January 15, 2008).
Film Preservation, 2006

National Information Standards Organization. Understanding Metadata. Bethesda: NISO Press, 2004,http://www.niso.org/standards/resources/UnderstandingMetadata.pdf (accessed January 11, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

National Library of Australia. Online Australia Publications: Selection Guidelines for Archiving and Preservation by the National Library of Australia. Canberra: PANDORA, Austrialia's Web Archive, 2005,http://pandora.nla.gov.au/selectionguidelines.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "PADI [Preserving Access to Digital Material] Selection Criteria." National Library of Australia.http://www.nla.gov.au/padi/selection.html#app2 (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

National Library of Australia and Partners. "Pandora: Australia's Web Archive." National Library of Australia. http://pandora.nla.gov.au/ (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005

National Recording Preservation Board. Capturing Analog Sound for Digital Preservation: Report of a Roundtable Discussion of Best Practices for Transferring Analog Discs and Tapes. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources/ Library of Congress, 2006,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:4219/pubs/reports/pub137/pub137.pdf (accessed January 15, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2006

NEDLIB. "Networked European Deposit Library." NEDLIB. http://nedlib.kb.nl/ (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

New Art Trust, MoMA, SFMOMA and Tate. "Media Matters: Collaborating Towards the Care of Time-Based Media Works of Art." Tate Online.http://www.tate.org.uk/research/tateresearch/majorprojects/mediamatters/credits.htm (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. "Turbulence: Commissioning and Supporting Net Art for 12 Years: 1996-2008." New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. http://www.turbulence.org/ (accessed February 25, 2008, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

New York Public Library. "The Public's Treasures: A Cabinet of Curiosities from the New York Public Library." New York Public Library. http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/events/curiosities.html (accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Donnell Library Center." New York Public Library. http://www.nypl.org/branch/central/dlc/(accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

New Zealand Film Archive. Selection and Acquisition Policy. Wellington: New Zealand Film Archive, 2007,http://www.filmarchive.org.nz/services/NZFA_S&A_Policy_Nov07.pdf (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. "Ko Ng Kaitiaki Ng Taonga Whitihua." New Zealand Film Archive.http://www.filmarchive.org.nz/taonga_maori/english_taonga_maori.html (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. Deposit Agreement. Wellington: New Zealand Film Archive,http://www.filmarchive.org.nz/collections/NZFA-Deposit.pdf (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. Deposit Agreement: Taonga Maori. Wellington: New Zealand Film Archive,http://www.filmarchive.org.nz/collections/NZFA-Deposit.pdf (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

Newham, Mick. "A Disaster Waiting to Happen... Disaster Preparedness and Recovery." SEAPAVAA Annual Conference, The Digital Dawn: AV Archiving in Transition, Brunei Darussalam, 2005, SEAPAVAA,http://www.seapavaa.org/downloadables/2005SymposiumPapers/DisasterPreparedness.doc (accessed January 10, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Newman, James. Videogames. Routledge Introductions to Media and Communications. London: Rouledge, 2004.
Handling New Media, 2004

Nichols, Peter. "New DVD's; Abuse Case Revisited, Cloudier than Ever." New York Times, January 27, 2004, sec. Arts, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9904E0DF1438F934A15752C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

NISO Framework Advisory Group. A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections, 2nd Edition. Bethesda: National Information Standards Organization, 2004,http://www.niso.org/framework/framework2.html#metadata (accessed January 11, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Nystrom, J-E. "History of Sub-35mm Film Formats & Cameras." Ani-Mato!. http://www.sci.fi/~animato/(accessed January 7, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

O'Donnell, James. Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998.
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK). "About the Digital Resource Commons." Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK). http://j2karclib.info/ (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005

———. "JPEG 2000 in Archives and Libraries." Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK).http://j2karclib.info/ (accessed February 7, 2008, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Olson, Hope A. and John J. Boll. Subject Analysis in Online Catalogs. Second ed. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2001.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Ong, Walter. "Print, Space, and Closure." In Orality and Literacy, 117-138. New York: Methuen, 1982. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Open Content Alliance. "Open Content Alliance." Internet Archive.http://www.opencontentalliance.org/index.html (accessed February 7, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Orphan Film Symposium. "What is an Orphan Film?" Orphan Film Symposium.http://www.sc.edu/filmsymposium/orphanfilm.html (accessed March 10, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

O'Toole, James. "The History of the Archives Profession." In Understanding Archives and Manuscripts, 27-47. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Paini, Dominique. "According to JLG." Rouge no. 9 (2006): August 2006,http://www.rouge.com.au/9/according_jlg.html 
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006

Pak, Greg. "Film Tools: Footage Calculators and Charts." Pak Man Productions.http://www.gregpak.com/filmhelp/tools/footagechart.html (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006

Pantalony, Rina Elster. "Museums and Digital Rights Management Technologies." Museum International: Heritage Issues in the Information Society (2) 54, no. 4 (2002): 13-19
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Pantalony, Rina E. and World Intellectual Property Organization. "WIPO Guide on Managing Intellectual Property for Museums." World Intellectual Property Organization. 
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Paul, Christiane. Digital Art. London: Thames and Hudson, 2003.
Handling New Media, 2004

Pearce, Susan M. Collecting in Contemporary Practice. London ; SAGE Publications ; Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira Press, 1998.
The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

———. "Collecting in Time." In On Collecting : An Investigation into Collecting in the European Tradition. Collecting cultures series ed., 235-254. London ; New York: Routledge, 1995. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Collecting Processes." In On Collecting: An Investigation into Collecting in the European Tradition, 3-35. New York: Routledge, 1995. 
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Pogrebin, Robin. "All Shook Up Over Cutting and Selling of Elvis Tape." New York Times, January 28, 2004, sec. Arts
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Porck, Henk J. Mass Deacidification: An Update of Possibilities and Limitations. Amsterdam: European Commission on Preservation and Access, 1996,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:8476/ecpa/PUBL/PORCK.HTM (accessed January 2, 2008).
Preservation and Conservation: Principles, 2007

Prelinger, Rick. "Beyond Copyright Consciousness." Bad Subjects no. 52 (2000),http://bad.eserver.org/issues/2000/52/prelinger.html (accessed January 2, 2008)
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

PREMIS. Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata: Final Report of the PREMIS Working Group.OCLC, 2005, http://www.oclc.org/research/projects/pmwg/ (accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

PREMIS Working Group. "PREMIS: PREservation Metadata Implementation Strategies." OCLC.http://www.oclc.org/research/projects/pmwg/ (accessed January 11, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

PrestoSpace and Joanneum Research. State of the Art of Content Analysis Tools for Video, Audio, and Speech. 2005, http://www.prestospace.org/project/deliverables?D15-3_Content_Analysis_Tools.pdf(accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

PrestoSpace and ORF. Analysis of Current Audiovisual Documentation Models, Mapping of
Current Standards
. 2005, http://www.prestospace.org/project/deliverables_D15-1_Analysis_AV_documentation_models.pdf (accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Prown, Jules David. "The Truth of Material Culture: History Or Fiction?" In History from Things: Essays on Material Culture, edited by Steven Lubar and W. David Kingery, 1-19. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Public Access and Educational Use Task Force, John Belton, David W. Packard, Richard Prelinger, Eddie Richmond, Karan Sheldon, James Watters, Jr Stevens, and George. Handling and Projecting 35mm Archive and Studio Prints: Voluntary Guidelines. San Francisco: National Film Preservation Board, 1994,http://www.loc.gov/film/project.html (accessed January 14, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Pugh, Mary Jo. Providing Reference Services for Archives and Manuscripts. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1992.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Putnam, Robert. Journal of Democracy 6, no. 1 (January, 1995): 65-78
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Read, Paul, Mark-Paul Meyer, and Gamma Group. Restoration of Motion Picture Film. Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Conservation and Museology. Oxford ; Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000.
Film Preservation, 2006; MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006; Collection Management , 2004; Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006

Real, William A. "Toward Guidelines for Practice in the Preservation and Documentation of Technology-Based Installation Art." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 40, no. 3 (Fall / Winter, 2001)
Handling New Media, 2004

Reilly, James M. IPI Storage Guide for Acetate Film. Rochester: Image Permanence Institute, 1993,http://www.imagepermanenceinstitute.org/shtml_sub/acetguid.pdf (accessed January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Research Libraries Group. Descriptive Metadata Guidelines for RLG Cultural Materials.2005,http://www.oclc.org/programs/ourwork/past/culturalmaterials/RLG_desc_metadata.pdf (accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Rifkin, Libbie. "Association / Value: Creative Collaborations in the Library." RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage 2, no. 2 (
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Rimer, Sara. "Museum Finds Lewis and Clark Artifact, Lost for Century." New York Times, January 21, 2004, sec. New York and Region, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E04E1DD1339F932A15752C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Rimmer, Matthew. "The Dead Poets Society: The Copyright Term and the Public Domain." First Monday 8, no. 6 (June, 2003) (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Rinehart, Richard. A System for Formal Notation for Scoring Works of Digital and Variable Media Art. Berkeley: UC Regents, http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/about/formalnotation.pdf (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn. Preserving Archives and Manuscripts. Archival Fundamentals Series. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1993.
Preservation and Conservation: Principles, 2007

Rogge, Michael. "More than One Hundred Years of Film Sizes." Michael Rogge.http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Ewichm/filmsize.html (accessed January 2, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Rosen, Robert. "The UCLA Film and Television Archive: A Retrospective Look." The Moving Image 2, no. 2 (Fall, 2002)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Rothenberg, Jeff. Avoiding Technological Quicksand: Finding a Viable Technical Foundation for Digital Preservation. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Services, 1998,http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/rothenberg/contents.html (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

Roud, Richard. A Passion for Films: Henri Langlois and the Cinematheque Francaise. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Russell, Carrie, Dwayne K. Buttler, American Library Association, and Office for Information Technology Policy. Complete Copyright : An Everyday Guide for Librarians. Chicago: American Library Association, 2004.
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Sabah, Zaid. "Pirated DVDs among Hottest Items on Shelves." USA Today, January 20, 2006, Final, sec. A, http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/USAToday/access/972865751.html?did=972865751&FMT=ABS&FMTS=FT&date=Jan+20%2C+2006&author=Zaid+Sabah&pub=USA+TODAY&desc=Pirated+DVDs+among+hottest+items+on+shelves(accessed February 7, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Sae Institute. "Recorders." Sae Institute. http://www.saecollege.de/reference_material/pages/recorders(accessed January 14, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Saetervadet, Torkell. "Treatment of Archival Material." In The Advanced Projection Manual, 57-62. Oslo: FIAF/ Norwegian Film Institute, 2005. 
MIAP Internship, 2007

Salamon, Julie. "Toil, Tears and Sweat in Brooklyn." New York Times, February 6, 2004, sec. Arts,http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9401E6D7133BF935A35751C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Sammtleben, Martin. "QuickTime Playback Compatibility Chart." Martin Sammtleben.http://www.simnet.is/klipklap/quicktime/ (accessed January 2008, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Samuelson Law, Technology and Public Policy Clinic, University of California at Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall). Brief Amici Curiae of 40 Intellectual Property and Technology Law Professor Supporting Affirmance in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios v. Grokster. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, September 26, 2003 sess., 
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Schnepp, Suzanne R. "On Time: Approaches to the Conservation of Film, Videotape, and Digital Media."Museum Studies 31, no. 2 (2005): 96-102
Film Preservation, 2006

Schoenherr, Steven E. "Recording Technology History." Steven E. Schoenherr.http://history.sandiego.edu/GEN/recording/notes.html (accessed January 3, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Schwartz, John. "The Pornography Industry Vs. Digital Pirates." New York Times, February 8, 2004, sec. Business, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E03E7DF1E3BF93BA35751C0A9629C8B63(accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Selingo, Jeffrey. "When a Search Engine Isn't enough, Call a Librarian." New York Times, February 5, 2004, sec. Technology, http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/05/technology/circuits/05libr.html?ex=1205208000&en=c55a71f99a10e4ab&ei=5070 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Shapiro, Michael. "Not Control, Progress." Museum News, American Association of Museums(September/ October, 1997): 37
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Shatford, Sara. "Analyzing the Subject of a Picture: A Theoretical Approach." Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 6, no. 3 (Spring, 1986): 39-62
Access to Moving Images, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

———. "Describing a Picture: A Thousand Words are Seldom Cost Effective." Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 4, no. 4 (Summer, 1984): 13-30
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Sheldon, Karan and Sarah Ziebell Mann, eds. "AMIA at 13: Surviving our Teenage Years (Transcript of Session)." Minneapolis, MN, November 13, 2004,http://www.amiaconference.com/2005/forms/13%20transcript.pdf.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Shuman, Bruce A. "A Brief History of Information Issues." In Foundations and Issues in Library and Information Science, 8-25. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1992. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Libraries and Information in Society." In Foundations and Issues in Library and Information Science, 1-7. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1992. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "General Issues for Libraries and Inormation Centers." In Foundations and Issues in Library and Information Science, 26-42. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1992. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Siklos, Richard. "Amazon Considering Downloads." New York Times, March 10, 2006,http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/10/technology/10movies.html (accessed February 7, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Slide, Anthony. Nitrate Won't Wait : A History of Film Preservation in the United States. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 1992.
The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

Small Movies. "The Art of Splicing." Small Movies. http://www.city-net.com/~fodder/edit/art1.html(accessed January 14, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Smith, Abby. "Authenticity in Perspective." Authenticity in a Digital Environment, Washington, DC, January 24, 2000, Council on Library and Information Services,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:4219/pubs/reports/pub92/contents.html (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

Smith, Abby and Council on Library and Information Resources. Commission on Preservation and Access. The Future of the Past : Preservation in American Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources, 1999.
Preservation and Conservation: Principles, 2007

Smith, Abby, David Randal, and Karen Allen. Survey of the State of Audio Collections in Academic Libraries. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources, 2004,http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub128/contents.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Smither, Roger and David Walsh. "Unknown Pioneer: Edward Foxen Cooper and the Imperial War Museum Film Archive, 1919-1934." Film History 12, no. 2 (2000): 187-203
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Smither, Roger B. N., Catherine A. Surowiec, International Federation of Film Archives, and International Federation of Film Archives. Congress. This Film is Dangerous : A Celebration of Nitrate Film. 1st ed. Bruxelles, Belgium: Fiaf, 2002.
The Archive, The Collection, The Museum, 2005

SMPTE. SMPTE Metadata Dictionary (RP210.2) (Including RP210.1). Merged version, post trial publication ed. SMPTE, 2001, http://www.smpte-ra.org/mdd/RP210v2-1merged-020507b.xls (accessed January 11, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Society of American Archivists. "A Code of Ethics for Archivists."http://www.archivists.org/governance/handbook/app_ethics.asp#code (accessed March 9, 2008).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007

———. "Code of Ethics for Archivists." Society of American Archivists.http://www.archivists.org/governance/handbook/app_ethics.asp#code (accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. Describing Archives: A Content Standard. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2004.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

———. "So You Want to be an Archivist: An Overview of the Archival Profession."http://www.archivists.org/profession/overview.asp (accessed March 8, 2008).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007

———. "A Brief History of SAA." http://www.archivists.org/about/history.asp (accessed March, 9, 2008).
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007

———. "A Brief History of SAA." Society of American Archivists.http://www.archivists.org/about/history.asp (accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "So You Want to be an Archivist: An Overview of the Archival Profession." Society of American Archivists. http://www.archivists.org/profession/overview.asp (accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Society of American Archivists, Association of Moving Image Archivists. AMIA Compendium of Moving Image Cataloging Practice. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2001.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Spigel, Lynn. "Barbies without Ken: Femininity, Feminism, and the Art-Culture System." In Welcome to the Dreamhouse : Popular Media and Postwar Suburbs, 310-352. Durham NC: Duke University Press, 2001. 
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Stauderman, Sarah. "Guide to Audio Formats."http://web.archive.org/web/20050216061815/www.paulmessier.com/VideoID/audio/about.html (accessed January 8, 2008).

———. "Assessing a Collection for Preservation." Looking Back/ Looking Forward: A Symposium on Electronic Media Preservation, Experimental Television Center, May 31 - June 1, 2002,http://www.experimentaltvcenter.org/history/preservation/preservation_level1.php3?id=3&id2=7&id3=11(accessed January 10, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Stauderman, Sarah and Messier, Paul. "Video Format Identification Guide." VideoPreservation Website.http://videopreservation.stanford.edu/vid_id/index.html (accessed January 3, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Steedman, Carolyn. Dust: The Archive and Cultural History. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002.
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Steiner, Christine. "The Double Edged Sword: Museums and the Fair use Doctrine." Museum News, American Association of Museums (September/ October, 1997): 32
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Sturken, Marita and Lisa Cartwright. Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture. London: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007; History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Sturken, Marita. Tourists of History : Memory, Kitsch, and Consumerism from Oklahoma City to Ground Zero. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Svensson, Joergen S. and Frank Bannister. "Pirates, Sharks and Moral Crusaders: Social Control in peer-to-peer Networks." First Monday 9, no. 6 (June, 2004): January 2, 2008, (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Tadic, Linda. "Towards a Digital Code of Hammurabi." In Performance Documentation and Preservation in an Online Environment. Performing Arts Resources ed. Vol. 24. New York: Theatre Library Association, 2004. 
Collection Management, 2007

———. "Copyright in a Digital World, A Practical Workshop: The Permissions Process." OCLC Copyright Online Resource Kit, IMLS Webwise Conference, OCLC/ AMIA Annual Meeting, November 17, 2003, OCLC,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:8720/da/ViewObjectMain.jsp;jsessionid=84ae0c5f824018113916557645999b1ed80d965595a4?fileid=0000016179:000000676940&reqid=8401#permissions; (accessed December 30, 2007).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Tanner, Simon. A Mellon Foundation Funded Study: Reproduction Charging Models & Rights Policy for Digital Images in American Art Museums. London: King's Digital Consultancy Services, 2004,http://www.kdcs.kcl.ac.uk/USart/index.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Task Force on the Artifact in Library Collections, Stephen G. Nichols, and Abby Smith. The Evidence in Hand : Report of the Task Force on the Artifact in Library Collections. Optimizing Collections and Services for Scholarly use. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources, 2001.
Preservation and Conservation: Principles, 2007

Taub, Eric A. "How it Works; for Better HDTV Displays, it's all about the Chip." New York Times, February 5, 2004, sec. Technology, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9800E1DD133BF936A35751C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Taves, Brian. "Toward a Comprehensive Genre Taxonomy." The Moving Image 1, no. 1 (Spring, 2001): 131-150
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Taylor, Arlene G. Organization of Information. Second ed. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 2004.
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Technical Advisory Services for Images. "File Formats and Compression." Technical Advisory Services for Images. http://www.tasi.ac.uk/advice/creating/fformat.html (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

Terra Media. "The Quest for Home Video: Chronology." Terra Media.http://www.terramedia.co.uk/video/video_chronology.htm (accessed January 7, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007

Terris, Olwen. "What You Don't See and Don't Hear: Subject Indexing Moving Images." Journal of Film Preservation 62, (April, 2001): 40-43
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

———. "Cataloguing from Secondary Sources." Journal of Film Preservation 57, (1998): 28-32
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

———. "There was this Film about . . . the Case for the Shotlist." Journal of Film Preservation 56, (1998): 54-57
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Thiebaut, B., L. B. Vilmont, B. Lavedrine, and Centre de recherche sur la conservation des collections.Report on Video and Audio Tape Deterioration Mechanisms and Considerations about Implementation of a Collection Condition Assessment Method. Paris: PrestoSpace, 2006,http://www.prestospace.org/project/deliverables/D6-1.pdf; http://www.crcc.cnrs.fr/ (accessed January 3, 2008).

Thompson, Kristin. "Report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Society for Cinema Studies, Fair Usage Publication of Film Stills." Cinema Journal XXXII, no. 2 (Winter, 1993): 3-20
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Thompson, Kristin and David Bordwell. "Dear Archivist: An Open Letter on Access to Film Collections."FIAF Bulletin 45, (1992)
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

Toulmin, Vanessa. "'Curios Things in Curios Places': Temporary Exhibition Venues in the Victorian and Edwardian Entertainment Environment." Early Popular Visual Culture 4, no. 2 (July, 2006): 113-137
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Treadway, Antoinette and International Center for 8mm Film. "Little Film." Antoinette Treadway and The International Center for 8mm Film. http://www.littlefilm.org/ (accessed December 17, 2007).
Introduction to MIAP 2003; MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Trope, Alison. "Where is Cinema?: Film Culture from the Museum to the Home Theater." book, unpublished
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Turner, James M. and Abby Goodrum. "Modeling Videos as Works." Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 33, no. 3/4 (2002): 27-38
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

U.S. Copyright Office. "U.S. Copyright Office." U.S. Copyright Office. http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:19402/(accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

———. "Rulemaking on Exemptions from Prohibition on Circumvention of Technological Measures that Control Access to Copyrighted Works." U.S. Copyright Office. http://www.copyright.gov/1201/ (accessed February 7, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

———. "Orphan Works." U.S. Copyright Office. http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:19402/orphan/ (accessed January 2, 2008).
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Part 1232 -- Audiovisual Records Management. College Park, MD: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, 2001,http://www.archives.gov/about/regulations/part-1232.html (accessed March 3, 2008).
Collection Management, 2005; Collection Management, 2006; Collection Management, 2007

———. "The National Archives Electronic Records Archive (ERA)." U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. http://www.archives.gov/era/index.html (accessed January 15, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005

Ubois, Jeff. "New Approaches to Television Archiving." First Monday 10, no. 3 (March, 2005),http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue10_3/ubois/ (accessed January 16, 2008)
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

UNESCO and Round Table on Audiovisual Records. Audiovisual Archives: A Practical Reader., edited by Helen P. Harrison. Paris: UNESCO, 1997,http://www.unesco.org/webworld/ramp/html/r9704e/r9704e00.htm 
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP, 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP, 2007

University of Victoria, Division of Continuing Studies, Cultural Resource Management Program. "Best Practices in Museum Website Design." http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/crmp/museumwebsites/index.aspx(accessed March 2, 2008).
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2007

University of Washington and SUNY Institute of Technology. "WebArchivist.Org." University of Washington/ SUNY Institute of Technology. http://www.webarchivist.org/about.htm (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Uricchio, William. "Archives and Absences." Film History 7, (1995): 256-263
Access to Moving Image Collections, 2005; Access to Moving Image Collections, 2006

Usai, Paolo Cherchi. "Preserving Film Outside the Vaults: A Report on Projection, Shipping and Temporary Storage Facilities." Journal of Film Preservation no. 64 (2002): 9-15,http://www.fiafnet.org/pdf/uk/04FIAF64.pdf (accessed January 14, 2008)
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "What is an Orphan Film? Definition, Rationale and Controversy." Orphans of the Storm, University of South Carolina, September 23, 1999, Orphan Film Symposium,http://www.sc.edu/filmsymposium/archive/orphans2001/usai.html
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

US-InterPARES. "Project Summary." US-InterPARES. http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/us-interpares/ (accessed March 10, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Vaidhyanathan, Siva. Copyrights and Copywrongs. New York: NYU Press, 2001.
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

Van Bogart, John W.C. Magnetic Tape Storage and Handling: A Guide for Libraries and Archives. Washington, DC: The Commission on Preservation and Access, 1995,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:4219/PUBS/reports/pub54/index.html (accessed January 8, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Van Gelder, Lawrence. "Arts Briefing." New York Times, January 27, 2004, sec. Arts,http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F06E2DE1438F934A15752C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Arts Briefing." New York Times, February 5, 2004, sec. Arts,http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9405E4D8123BF936A35751C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Van Malssen, Kara. "Disaster Planning and Recovery: Post-Katrina Lessons for Mixed Media Collections." Master's, New York University, 2006,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:2097/tisch/preservation/program/student_work/2006spring/06s_thesis_vanmalssen/06s_thesis_vanmalssen_a.doc(accessed January 10, 2008)
MIAP Internship, 2007

Variable Media Network. "Variable Media Network." Variable Media Network.http://www.variablemedia.net/e/welcome.html (accessed January 31, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006; Handling New Media, 2004

Videofreex (Organization). The Spaghetti City Video Manual; a Guide to use, Repair, and Maintenance.New York: Praeger, 1973.
MIAP Internship, 2007

VidiPax LLC. "Video Format Guide." VidiPax. http://www.vidipax.com/videoformatguide.php (accessed January 2, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "Problems with Magnetic Tape." VidiPax LLC. http://www.vidipax.com/magtapeprobs.php(accessed January 15, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2006

———. "Audio Format Guide." VidiPax LLC. http://www.vidipax.com/audiogd/index.html (accessed January 2, 2008).
MIAP Internship, 2007; MIAP Internship, 2006

Vince (ed.). "Emulators Unlimited." ZTNET. http://www.emuunlim.com/ (accessed February 25, 2008).
Handling New Media, 2004

Vogel, Carol. "A Director for the Whitney's New Age." New York Times, January 29, 2004, sec. Arts,http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/29/arts/design/29ADAM.html?ex=1205208000&en=6268a395f396f526&ei=5070 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Artist's Heirs Sue Amsterdam Over 14 Works." New York Times, February 3, 2004, sec. Arts,http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B01E1DB173BF930A35751C0A9629C8B63 (accessed March 9, 2008)
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Wactlar, Howard D. and Michael G. Christel. "Digital Video Archives: Managing through Metadata." InBuilding a National Strategy for Preservation: Issues in Digital Media Archiving, 80-95. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources/ Library of Congress, 2002,http://ezproxy.library.nyu.edu:4219/pubs/reports/pub106/television.html (accessed January 16, 2008).
Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2005; Digital Preservation and Restoration, 2006

Walker Art Center. "Wunderkammern, Cabinets of Curiosity, and Memory Places." Walker Art Center.http://www.walkerart.org/archive/5/BC7391D3F138BDA0616C.htm (accessed March 9, 2008).
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Wasko, Janet. The Way we were: An Historical Look at Hollywood and Technology in Hollywood in the Information Age. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.
Introduction to MIAP, 2003; Introduction to MIAP 2004; Introduction to MIAP, 2005; Introduction to MIAP 2007

Wasson, Haidee. Museum Movies : The Museum of Modern Art and the Birth of Art Cinema. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

Waters, Donald and John Garrett. Preserving Digital Information, Report on the Task Force of Archiving of Digital Information. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Services, 1996,http://www.clir.org/pubs/abstract/pub63.html (accessed August 31, 2004).
Handling New Media, 2004

Weil, Stephen E. "Fair use and the Visual Arts, Please Leave some Room for Robin Hood." In Making Museums Matter, 239-252. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002. 
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

———. "Not Money, Control." Museum News, American Association of Museums (September/ October, 1997): 36
Copyright, Legal Issues and Policy, 2007

———. "In Pursuit of a Profession: The Status of Museum Work in America." In Rethinking the Museum and Other Meditations, 73-94. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "Rethinking the Museum: An Emerging New Paradigm." In Rethinking the Museum and Other Meditations, 57-72. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

———. "The Proper Business of the Museum: Ideas Or Things?" In Rethinking the Museum and Other Meditations, 43-56. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990. 
History and Culture of Museums, Archives, and other Respositories, 2004

Weise, Marcus and Diana Weynand. How Video Works. 2nd ed. Amsterdam ; Boston: Focal Press, 2007.
MIAP Internship, 2007

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The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2006; The Archive, the Collection, the Museum, 2007

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