Mobile Phone Interception: A Genealogy of Eavesdropping

Mobile Phone Interception: A Genealogy of Eavesdropping
Wednesday, April 10 at 6:00 pm
Michelson Theater, 721 Broadway, 6th Floor
A talk by Visiting Researcher in Cinema Studies, Lisa Parks (Professor of Comparative Media Studies and director of the Global Media Technologies and Cultures Lab, MIT).
Lisa Parks is a media scholar exploring the global reach of information technology infrastructures—such as satellites, internet cables, power poles, and drones—and their cultural, political, and humanitarian implications. Her research concerns both the material and immaterial forces underlying the flow of information and the multilayered relationships between media, technology, and geopolitics. She is committed to exploring how greater understanding of media systems can inform and assist citizens, scholars and policymakers in the US and abroad to advance campaigns for technological literacy, creative expression, social justice, and human rights.
Parks is the author of Cultures in Orbit: Satellites and the Televisual (Duke UP, 2005), Rethinking Media Coverage: Vertical Mediation and the War on Terror (Routledge, 2018), and Mixed Signals: Media Infrastructures and Cultural Geographies (in progress). Her writing has appeared in numerous edited volumes and journals including Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Feminist Studies, Film Quarterly, and the International Journal of Communication. The recipient of numerous fellowships and grants, Parks is a 2018 MacArthur Fellow.
Free and open to the public.