Senter Bi

M.A. Arts Politics Class of 2024
B.A. Media Arts Production, Emerson College
Senter is an independent filmmaker, writer and curator. Interested in experimental film, modern art, and the intersection of art and philosophy, psychoanalysis, and politics.
What drew you to the M.A. in Arts Politics:
My undergraduate studies primarily include liberal arts and film theory. They have enhanced my knowledge foundation and critical thinking. Complementarily, in the courses of filmmaking specialization, through the study of directing and script writing, I learned how to create a complete and intriguing story in terms of overall planning, considering each scene as part of the whole story to give them meaning. Under such perspectives, I realized I must discover a unique style and form my film language. By watching films and artworks in and out of class, I found that my interest lies in experimental works that explore the "human condition" and focus on issues related to the contradiction between the individual and the environment. Many ingenious directors and creators have rejected the shackles and constraints brought by society and integrated their rebellion and escape into the images, eager to express their opinions about society with abstract, obscure, and unconventional pictures or camera language, creating scenes containing an underlying truth. This kind of visual art with pioneering and radical ideas and new experiments gave me a lot of inspiration for unconventional expressions, and also became a new reference perspective for me to observe and study society. With enthusiasm for creating art as a political thought experiment, I realized that I need more advanced learning to critique and research the core of art. I hoped to pave the way for my postgraduate area of study, art politics. I want to gain new insights based on my accumulation and limited vision, hear diverse voices, and make myself a pioneering creator with social missions. I aspire to create film art with aesthetic attainments, social and cultural responsibilities, and a rich core to raise questions, respond to the present concerns, and produce cultural content.