RonAmber Deloney

RonAmber Delony

MA Arts Politics Class of 2008

Northcentral University, 2022, EdD Global Training and Development
MSEd Adolescent Education, St. Johns University
BA English, Austin College
BA German, Austin College

RonAmber Deloney, EdD is a DJ, poet, educator, and project manager from Dallas, TX. A Fulbright alumnus, she is currently on the Fulbright Specialist roster and works at the intersection of project management and education. She recently completed a Doctor of Education in Global Training and Development at Northcentral University. In her free time, she enjoys exercising, traveling, and planning projects with her Berlin-based spoken word band The New Night Babies.

Awards: 2003 Fulbright Alumna to Berlin, Germany; 2024 - 2027 Fulbright Specialist Roster

Social media handles: @djskinpolitik, @newnightbabies, @poemsontiktok

What drew you to the MA Arts Politics program?

The faculty. The focus on the individual's arts narrative and the opportunity to examine my own work from a variety of study areas.

How did your experience in the program shape your work?

The program helped me to understand the work I did abroad to organize poetry events in Berlin and my personal journey as a poet throughout my life. I learned from Jack Tchen about living archives and the knowledge local communities hold as archival spaces. I learned from Karen Finley to rethink art, labor, and intention. Ella Shohat taught me about the power of media and representation. Dean Antoni taught me to be a critical viewer and film scholar. I use films to teach in all of my Humanities classes now. Randy Martin, God rest his soul, taught me the limits one can have towards institutional change is not about being powerless, but having clarity on where to focus your energy to bring about the change within your reach. My year in the AP program shaped the unique voice and perspective I have brought to many professional environments.

What are some of the challenges and/or rewards of this program? 

I gained an invaluable perspective on critical reading, viewing, listening and speaking about the arts that I am now able to lean on as an educator in my own classrooms.