Marina Hassapopoulou

Assistant Professor; Director, Moving Image Archiving & Preservation (Spring 2025)

Visiting Assistant Professor Marina Hassapopoulou

Marina Hassapopoulou is Assistant Professor in the Department of Cinema Studies, at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. She has previously served as Associate Co-Director of the Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program. Some of her areas of expertise include: digital humanities, transnational and border cinema, posthumanism, science fiction, reception and fan studies, film and media theory/philosophy, and hybrid pedagogy. Her book, Interactive Cinema: The Ambiguous Ethics of Media Participation (University of Minnesota Press - Electronic Mediations series, 2024), engages with a multitude of unconventional approaches throughout the history of motion pictures to offer insight into a range of largely ephemeral and site-specific projects that consciously assimilate viewers into their production. Through an exploration of radically inventive approaches to the medium, many of which emerged out of socio-political crises and periods of historical transition, Interactive Cinema works to expand notions of interactivity by considering it in both technological and phenomenological terms.

Hassapopoulou’s work in film studies and the digital humanities has been awarded honors such as the Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ Innovative Pedagogy Award (2021) and the University of Cambridge’s International Research and Collaboration Award for Histories of AI: A Genealogy of Power (2020-1). She is the recipient of a Digital Publication fellowship by the National Endowment for the Humanities for her project, “Countering Media Obsolescence through Interactivity: Grappling with Issues of Access and Preservation in Interactive Cinema Traditions” (2025-26).

Working on a range of media besides print, her projects include: social impact and creative tech platforms and tools, cultural videos for folklore archives, multimedia scholarship, preservation and remediation of older digital/electronic media arts, creative experiments with AI and computational tools, and other areas. She is the founder of online open-access resources including: the collaborative student-oriented Interactive Media Archive < > and the curatorial site <>, an online directory focused on cross-pollinations between Cinema, Media Studies and Digital Humanities < >, the first English speaking student-oriented archive on contemporary Greek cinema < >, and a site dedicated to creative cinematic experiments with AI and computational tools <>.


BA, University of Bristol
MA, University of Oregon
PhD, University of Florida