Hannah Ford Keohane

Hannah Ford Keohane

Hometown: Greenwich, CT

Home College/University: Hamilton College

Major: Cinema and New Media Studies with a minor in Sociology 

When did you attend Spring at Tisch? Spring 2016

What did you study during Spring at Tisch? Documentary Film Production

Describe your experience during Spring at Tisch. 
Studying at Tisch has provided me with a unique opportunity to dive deeper into my exact area of study and interest -- documentary film.  I feel so fortunate to have collaborated with passionate and driven filmmakers, and I hope to maintain these relationships after my semester at Tisch comes to an end!

About Spring at Tisch

Spring at Tisch offers visiting undergraduate students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a full semester of courses in emerging media, and the cinematic or performing arts. This intense professional training coupled with all New York City has to offer, lets students advance their creative careers while enriching their academic experience.