Future Imagination Summit 2019

Future Imagination Summit


Thursday, November 7, 2019

6:30pm Composing in an Edible Future World:
A working, playing, creative eating event. The goal is to use materials and constraints as "building blocks" to prototype food futures. Small groups will create and share the narratives they develop. Hosted by Marina Zurkow and Jen Monroe.
6:30pm Stepping into the Unknown:
Designed by Amelia Winger-Bearskin, Jacob Ellenberg and Sharon Chang

Stepping into the Unknown will feature an Ambient Dinner that provides guests with an occasion to be near and present.

This participatory dining experience absolves guests of the obligation to perform a public identity. Attendees are asked to disengage from thinking about narratives of the past and future and try to ground themselves in an unhurried present. Open-ended behavioral prompts ask diners to interact in unusual ways with one another and with the space. The hope is to create a quiet atmosphere in which we can exercise our capacity for noticing.

Friday, November 8, 2019

8:30am Continental Breakfast
9:00am Welcome & Opening Meditation
(Allyson Green & Jacob Ellenberg)
9:30am Purpose Statement (Sharon Chang)
9:45am Introductions (Kamal Sinclair)
Each attendee has one photo and 30 seconds to introduce themselves and describe a project or an aspect of their life that relates to imagining the future.
10:15am Collective Wisdom (Sarah Wolozin & Kat Cizek)
Drawing on The Co-Creation Studio at MIT Open Documentary Lab's Collective Wisdom: Co-Creating Media within Communities, across Disciplines and with Algorithms, two of its creators will ground us in practices of co-creation to prepare us to "share both the burden and the liberation of determining our future collectively." Panelists include Lauren McCarthy, Sasha Costanza-Chock, and Elissa Moorhead.
11:15am Break
11:30am Mapping Us (Eric Zimmerman)
A physical mapping exercising designed to visualize our collective power to democratize the imagination of our future.
12:30pm Lunch & Building Tour
2:00pm Creative Tensions (Christopher Hibma)
Creative Tensions is a designed intervention that allows people to express themselves openly, embrace the nuances of complex issues, and get beyond perspectives that may be locked in binaries. The theme for this Creative Tensions is "The Radical Opportunity."
3:30pm Break
3:45pm Futurist Writers' Room (Tony Patrick & Robert Sinclair)
Members of the Guild of Future Architects Futurist Writers' Room will guide groups through an "imagine the past and remember the future" exercise. These speculative historiographies and speculative futures will help us to radically review the past to better inform our vision for the future so we can effectively navigate the present.
5:15pm Making It Personal (Sharon Chang)
A ritual of making our personal pledges and identifying our accountability partner.
6:00pm Closing


Sharon Chang
Kat Cizek
Sasha Costanza-Chock
Lafayette Cruise
Jacob Ellenberg
Madebo Fatunde
Allyson Green
Christopher Hibma
Lauren McCarthy
Elissa Moorhead
Jen Monroe
Tony Patrick
Kamal Sinclair
Robert Sinclair
Amelia Winger-Bearskin
Sarah Wolozin
Eric Zimmerman
Marina Zurkow