CRS Conference Travel Grant: Adrianne Lundy

Thursday, Jun 20, 2024

In November 2023, Adrianne Lundy, a graduate student in The Martin Scorsese Department of Cinema Studies, traveled to Tulsa, Oklahoma to attend the Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference and to participate in a panel titled “Archivists and/as Educators: Activating Film-Related Materials”, a roundtable that consisted of  teachers and archivists working with film-related media. Adrianne Lundy was a recipient of the CRS Travel Grant Initiative and their travel and attendance was supported by Tisch's Center for Research & Study. 

The Center for Research & Study Conference Travel Grant is designed to support eligible PhD candidates, graduate, and undergraduate senior students in good academic standing in the three CRS departments to present their work at conferences and professional symposia that pertain and enrich their area of study.