The Estrangement Principle, A New Essay From Faculty Ariel Goldberg

Monday, Nov 14, 2016

Faculty Ariel Goldberg's new work, The Estrangement Principle, is a book-length essay that explores landscapes surrounding the practice of categorizing "queer art."

“Ariel Goldberg is attentive to seemingly everything, moving through time, between public and private archives, hopping in and out of canons… It’s a bold model for public intellectualism delivered with unassuming charm.” — Zoe Tuck

“Ariel Goldberg wants this book in all sections of the bookstore so it can be found, recognized, hugged from different locations, shifting places like a broken GPS device, taking us where we can be alive, creative, connected.” — Amelia Bande

The Estrangement Principle will soon be available at Small Press Distribution. A release party for The Estrangement Principle will be held on Sunday November 20th, 6-8pm, at Callicoon Fine Arts, 49 Delancey St, New York City.

Special guests Saretta Morgan, Amelia Bande, and Jess Barbagallo will give short readings from the book. Afterparty TBA!