DPI Prof Lorie Novak Takes Over NYPL Instagram

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Installation view, “Playback” (1992). Courtesy of Lorie Novak

Installation view, “Playback” (1992). Courtesy of Lorie Novak

Professor Lorie Novak has taken over NYPL Picture Collection Instagram account for the month of May. Click here and follow to see her selections from the Picture Collection, as well as excerpts from her work and student projects using photos from the Collection. As Prof. Novak says in her introductory post:

"Much of my work as an artist deals with the afterlife of images and the relationship of media images to our personal and collective memories. The Picture Collection has been a crucial source for material. I start my month by posting excerpts from my slide installation 'Playback' from 1992 where I looked at my family photographs in relationship to media images from WWII to 1992. In those pre-internet days I couldn’t have made this work without the Picture Collection."