Tianding He

M.A. '17


Tianding He (she/her/ta), originally from China, is a theatre director, object performance deviser, and arts leader based in New York City. She is the founding artistic director of B·O·N·D International Virtual Performance Festival, an online festival advocating for accessible and inclusive digital performance innovations. Tianding is also an arts leader of NYFA’s Incubator for Arts & Culture Leaders of Color in the Tri-State Area. She is passionate about exploring innovative ways of storytelling that encompass a range of bodies, including those from minority communities such as Asian, female, immigrant, and disabled communities, as well as non-human objects. Through her work in object performance, physical theatre, and cutting-edge technologies, she hopes to challenge the anthropocentric ideology that permeates society. In order to build an equal and inclusive environment in theatre and performance, she employs a non-hierarchical devising approach in her creative process. Tianding has directed various performances in venues and festivals including, HERE Arts Center, La Mama, Dixon Place, Margo Feiden Gallery, Soho Gallery, and Williamsburg Arts Nexus in NYC and Brooklyn, Pao Arts Center in Boston, Shanghai Theatre Academy in China; Rattlestick Global Form Theatre Festival, Object Movement Festival, Irvine Writer's Festival, Wuzhen International Theatre Festival in China, B·O·N·D International Virtual Performance Festival, Segal Center Film Festival on Theatre and Performance, International Virtual Toy Theatre Festival, and UNFIX Festival. Additionally, she has produced Off-Broadway shows at Theatre Row and IATI Theatre and line-produced at HERE Arts Center, and has explored the embodiment of alienated female experience through selected photography projects.

Current Occupation: 

Founding Artistic Director of B·O·N·D International Virtual Performance Festival


UC Irvine and UC San Diego

Ph.D. in Theatre and Drama

San Diego, California 


CUNY Hunter College

Master of Arts in Theatre

New York, New York


New York University

Master of Arts - Performance Studies

New York, New York