Hou Ying Dance Theater Performance

Thursday, Mar 10, 2016

Selections from February 29 performance of Hou Ying Dance Theater.  

Artistic Director, Hou Ying, is the soul of Hou Ying Dance Theater. She trained in a variety of eastern traditional arts such as Chinese Classical Dance, Folk Dance,Traditional Chinese Opera, Martial Arts, and Ballet. In the United States, she studied techniques with dance masters Martha Graham, Jose Limon, Merce Cunningham, Trisha Brown and many more world renowned dance artists. For a long time, Hou Ying devoted her time to exploring the eastern rhyme and spirit, combined with the natural movement of the body from western dance techniques. As a result she formed a unique and highly recognizable "Hou Ying dance limbs movement skills" —consciously driven movement that pushes the body.
