Jeanette Oi-Suk Yew, a professor in Tisch Drama's Production & Design Studio, is featured in this month's issue of American Theatre under “People to Watch.”
The deserved notoriety comes after a busy summer and fall for the newly minted professor, who joined Tisch Drama this semester.
In addition to her work on several productions including Myriad at the Park Avenue Armory, Vietgone at Denver Center for the Performing Arts, and Gloria: A Life at the Daryl Roth Theater NYC, Yew also garned attention for her lighting designs in the interdisciplinary cross genre production Soundstage. One critic noted that “Jeanette Oi-Suk Yew’s lights saturate each moment with meaning.”
In October, she received the prestigious Henry Hewes Lighting Design Award for her designs in KPOP!