There is an ongoing categorical error happening across the field of theater and performance. This error often finds a home in questions around the survival of live theater. A constant equivocation with its health, its sustainability, and its longevity is further exacerbated by the ever-interweaving role of technology and media in our everyday lives. And so, we ask, how will theater survive? What we are forgetting is that theater as a form is nimble, resilient, and boundless—it always has been. It is not confined by walls, economics, politics, or resources. It responds to a society’s concerns, aesthetic grammars, and social frameworks. It celebrates or interrogates the contemporary moment. What we are forgetting is that theater is inherently innovative.
If as theater makers we are able to conceive technology as a tool that amplifies the desired impact, we begin to shape a different relationship with it— a collaboration with technology. Perhaps most excitingly there is the opportunity of re-interrogating our idea of what “live” means. What is the essence of liveness. Is it a principle? An aesthetic? What does it bring to the table and why do we care? Because we do care. Technology can mediate liveness in visible and invisible ways.
Something to further consider in this conversation is the incredible access and inclusivity that technology can grant audiences. It can blur geographic and monetary lines in astounding ways. A work can now make an impact across the globe, engaging a range of views, embodied experiences, and histories— all of them sharing in one unifying experience.
And so, how do we make theater now? How do we think about theater now? How do we train for new models of theater making? How do we collaborate in these new models? These are the core preoccupations that have been driving my work with my company, Theater Mitu, and my pedagogy. This is the driving force that has shaped Tisch Drama’s Innovation Studio—a drive to investigate, interrogate, and—above all— innovate.
-Prof. Rubén Polendo, Studio Director