Tisch West Works 10/15

Do you have a script that needs a reading? Are you a performer looking for work to read? Do you have a rough cut and need feedback, or a reel you'd like to showcase? Maybe a pitch that needs some tweaking?

Tisch West Works is a Tisch West collaborative arts forum that seeks writers, directors, producers and actors to share and develop new creative work. Writers may submit pages for reading, actors may prepare scenes to rehearse, directors may present rough cuts of their film, and producers may present pitches. Each presenter will have about 20 minutes both for their presentation and feedback, so we recommend keeping your presentation to 10 minutes (or 10 pages) or less.

The goal behind Tisch West Works is to provide a safe “think tank” to gain fresh perspective and support by fellow Tisch alumni artists. This is also a great way to meet like minded creators! 

This month's meeting will have 5 spots for presentations.


*Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please email tsoa.west@nyu.edu for any questions or concerns.