Tisch West: Tough Business Talks Made Easy

Initiating difficult conversations with collaborators, managers, producers, directors, writers, or executives is a hard task for anyone at any stage of their career. Do you need advice on how to develop better communication? Not sure how to discuss hard topics and get through the conversation with grace? This interactive workshop with Certified Career Coach and Television Packaging Agent Jim Arnoff will give you the insider’s take on what it takes to start that conversation, maintain the courage throughout and come away with a powerful outcome. It’s all about confidence, trust, authenticity and knowing that tough talks are really about creating a stronger connection. This workshop will give you specific tools to frame professional and personal conversations, choose empowering words, and listen in a more empathetic way that results in deeper respect for yourself and the other party.

Jim Arnoff is a Television Packaging Agent representing New York production companies (reality, documentary, non-fiction) in developing and selling original programming to the networks and digital media. He is an entertainment lawyer and Certified Life/Career Coach to the entertainment industry. Jim worked at the William Morris Agency as both an in-house lawyer and packaging agent. He leads workshops for the Producers Guild of America, National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Writers Guild of America/East, HBO, TimeWarner, New York Women in Film & Television, Time, Inc.