Tisch West: Jump Starting Your Entertainment Career On Your Own Terms

Tired of all those work-for-hire gigs that get in the way of your creaivity? Keep telling yourself that your ideal entertainment career has to wait until you have more money? Stuck about how to network in this virtual world?

Join Tisch West and Career Coach/Talent Agent Consultant/NYU Workshop Facilitator Jim Arnoff in a highly interactive workshop that will give you the skills and tools to create your passion…your way. Tap into your creativity, express your confidence with conviction, get re-energized, and trust that the best way to reach your full potential is by embracing the true entrepreneur in you. Become a master networker, an expert at pitching yourself/your projects, and achieving the career you deserve.

Join us on Tuesday, November 17 from 4:00 - 6:00 PT (7:00 - 9:00 ET).


About Jim Arnoff

Jim is a Certified Life/Career/Business Coach to the entertainment industry, small business owners, veterans in film and television, women in finance, and NYU alumni. Jim is certified by the International Coach Federation and founded the Gay Coaches Collective/NYC. Jim Arnoff also consults as a talent agent having represented television production companies in developing and selling original programming. As a consultant, he shapes pitches, strengthens sizzle reels, and works with producers to launch their own production companies. He practices entertainment lawyer in television, film, and digital. Jim worked at the William Morris Agency as both an in-house lawyer and television packaging agent. He leads workshops for Veterans in Media and Entertainment/East and West, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, U.S. Military Academy, Writers Guild of America/East and West, New York Women in Film & Television, NYU/Tisch/Career Services/Arts & Entertainment Network, The Actors Fund/East and West, Hollywood Radio & Television Society, Women in Film, Film Fatales, Hollywood Women’s Collective, The Filmshop/East and West and the Children’s Media Association. Jim is a faculty member of the School of Visual Arts ("Pitching Your Television Series to the Industry Pros") and guest speaks at NYU and the Fashion Institute of Technology. He is a member of the New York State, New York City, and LGBT Bar Association.