A Virtual Conversation on COVID-19 Set Safety with Alumnus Matthew Morgenthaler

Matthew Morgenthaler '09 (BFA, Kanbar Institute, Film & TV)
Matthew Morgenthaler '09 (BFA, Kanbar Institute, Film & TV)

Film production is starting to slowly return. But is it safe? Tisch West invites you to a virtual seminar to discuss recent COVID-19 set safety best practices.

The seminar will be hosted by NYU alumnus and Tisch West co-president, Matthew Morgenthaler ’09 (BFA, Film & TV), a line producer, DGA UPM, and recently minted Health Safety Manager for feature films, TV, commercials, and music videos. Matthew recently wrapped a major production that closely followed the industry’s recommended safety protocols and is currently advising other productions how to implement COVID-19 safety.

Join Tisch West at 6 PM PT/ 9 PM ET on Thursday, August 20.

This seminar will aim to answer the following questions…

-How are shoots big and small currently going about COVID-19 safety?

-How are they finding adequate testing and resources?

-How much does it cost?

-What protocols are being recommended by the entertainment industry, the guilds, and unions?

-How can I determine if a shoot I am asked to work on will be safe?

-If I want to have a shoot, how can I possibly pull it off safely?

This virtual Q&A event will be hosted on Zoom. It is recommended that viewers have Zoom downloaded in advance and take the time to become familiar with launching the application prior to the event. Viewers must RSVP with the same email associated with their Zoom login account.