Jasmine Scriven

Administrative Aide II

bio photo of Jasime Scriven, Administrative Aide II

Jasmine Scriven has carved a path for herself in photography and cinema, a testament to her unwavering dedication to her craft. Her artistic journey began to blossom when she was gifted a Canon Rebel T3i in the fourth grade, capturing skits with her brother, Miles Davis. She further refined her passion for the arts in IB Film at the United Nations International School, where the guidance of Ms. Lipkind and Mr. Digregorio helped her find her artistic voice. Through immersive programs at Savannah College of Art and Design and Tisch School of the Arts, she not only created films and forged lasting connections but also discovered her true calling as a creative director.

Jasmine's journey led her to Ithaca College, where she earned her BFA in Film, Photography, and Visual Arts and a BA in Race, Power, and Resistance. The culmination of these two majors was marked by international recognition, including the prestigious Grand Prix award from the United For Peace Film Festival for her thought-provoking short film, Black Futures (2021). This film, which delves into the complexities of being a young black activist in the 21st century, has left a profound impact on the global scene.

As an Administrative Aide at New York University: Tisch School of the Arts, Jasmine is not only fulfilling her professional duties but also embracing her commitment to the arts community. She takes great joy in guiding and inspiring the younger generations of artists while also cherishing the opportunity to learn from the seasoned ones, a testament to her continuous growth and dedication to the arts.