WOMEN VOTE: Black and LatinX Women Changing the Dynamics of American Politics

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Women of color—a diverse and increasingly active voting bloc—are a significant force in American politics. The Center For American Progress reports: “Since 2000, the citizen voting-age population (CVAP) of women of color has increased by 59 percent—a gain of more than 13.5 million potential votes. By contrast, the CVAP of non-Hispanic white women voters increased by just 8 percent during the same timespan—an additional 6 million potential votes. In 2018, turnout among women of color voters also surged more than 15 percentage points compared with that of the previous midterm elections in 2014.” Women of color also played a central role in engaging with and mobilizing others to participate. These factors suggest that women of color voters will play a critical role in upcoming elections.

Betsy Fischer Martin and Claudia Cereceda will be joined in conversation with Francela Chi de Chinchilla of EquisLabs, and Atima Omara a political strategist, advocate, writer and speaker.

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