Wole Soyinka: "Negritude By Any Other Name"

Wole Soyinka

Co-Sponsored with the NYU Institute of African American Affairs

As Scholar-in-Residence at the Institute of African American Affairs, New York University, Wole Soyinka will reflect on the themes of the world in Africa and Africa in the world, which would include, but not be limited to, the voices of African public intellectuals, at home and abroad, in assessing such issues as human rights, terrorism, religious absolutism, and the devastating consequences they are bringing on the world today. Also part of the discussion are the ways in which the global African South has been widely ignored by the West in the West’s  attempt to resolve such issues as current refugee crises, terrorism and corruption. Topics will explore the roles of public intellectuals in proposing creative and positive approaches to such world problems. From this perspective what roles do African voices and African arts play in the world today? How could African voices and arts help to change the way Africa is perceived in the world and how Africans perceive the injustices of the world visited upon them?

Wole Soyinka will be introduced by Awam Amkpa, NYU Professor, Drama, Tisch School of the Arts.

NYU-IAAA Wole Soyinka Scholar-in-Residence programs are free and open to the public. Space is limited. Please RSVP at (212) 998-IAAA (4222)