Agasha Irving
2022 HEAR US Awardee
Undergraduate Film & TV Class of 2022

My name is Agasha Irving and I'm an artist from Atlanta, Georgia. I am passionate about lots of different mediums but film allows for me to communicate to larger audiences in an accessible and timeless form. This is my last year at Tisch and I'm excited for this to be one of my last projects with the school.
Ticket is a film that I'm wanting to create to investigate the intersection of race and reproduction in my hometown Atlanta, Georgia. I want to draw people's attention to the way scientific racism has affected the way Black people reproduce or are able to access healthcare and reproductive services. I want to explore the way sex education has been impacted and how because of this cycles are able to repeat themselves. With improved sex education marginalized communities are able to have more autonomy over their lives and what care they're able to access. My film is named Ticket because it is emblematic of the access now needed to reproduce safely or to simply make informed decisions about one's health. There is a distrust between the Black community and the medical/scientific community that people don't talk about. This prevents people from getting the appropriate care they need. Often times Black people are misdiagnosed or recommended (pressured) into procedures or decisions that they weren't planning to make. I want this film to create a dialogue that works to make these occurrences more transparent and known of. It's about highlighting injustices as well as pointing out centers dedicated to reproductive justice that are helping to create a community of people similarly dedicated to this goal.