CRS Research Grant: Sōlena Ornelas

Monday, Aug 19, 2024

In April 2024, Sōlena Ornelas, an MA student in Tisch's Department of Art and Public Policy, traveled to Venice, Italy to conduct research at the Black Portraitures: Shifting Paradigms conference, to engage leading scholars in the field in conversation during panel sessions. Sōlena Ornelas was a recipient of the CRS Research Travel Grant Initiative and their travel and research was supported by Tisch's Center for Research & Study.

The Center for Research & Study Research Travel Grant is designed to support eligible PhD candidates, graduate, and undergraduate senior students in good academic standing in the three CRS departments to partake in research that pertains to and enriches their area of study.

Professor Deb Willis (Chair of the Department of Photography & Imaging at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University) and Sōlena Ornelas

Professor Deb Willis (Chair of the Department of Photography & Imaging at the Tisch School of the Arts) and Sōlena Ornelas