ISO Magazine releases fall 2020 Issue: FLUX

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020

Photog & Imaging student publication ISO Magazine released FLUX: Fall 2020. Students and contributors from around the globe worked together to design this special digital edition.

Carlos Hernandez Ashley Zhang
Layout Designers
Alyssa Dickson Clara Reed
Faculty Advisor
Editha Mesina
Photo Editors
Emanuel Agbavitor
Michael Bogardus
Somalia Bryant
Lamar Kendrick-Dial
Chloe Dugourd
Renee Simone Hayes
Denise Hewitt
Savannah Jackson

Lauren Koo
Kavya Krishna
Zoe Morris
Nina Osoria Ahmadi
Cassandra Ren
Helena Shan
Alex Zeren
Nina Ahmadi
Dawson Batchelder
Nicole Bates
Somalia Bryant
Nina Dietz
Chloe Dugourd
Chelby Elam
Emma Estes
Austin Fenn
Caleb Foster
Andres Guerrero
Carlos Hernandez
Abbigail Hong
Lamar Kendrick-Dial
Benjamin Lachlan

Joel Lee
Jhanique Lovejoy
Miller Lyle
Katherine McGowan
Christiana Nelson
Chiemeka Offor
Zayira Ray
Clara Jeanne Reed
Helena Shan
Joey Solomon
Denise Stephanie
Camilla Szabo
Bella Vendetta
Sarah Jean Williams
Jean Zamora


BW photos: Men fighting under wind turbines, a sports jersey

Left Image by Helena Shan, Right Image by Denise Hewitt

double image of man in mirror

Right Image by Lamar Kendrick-Dial