Fulbright Awarded to DPI Alum Rebecca Arthur

Thursday, Mar 7, 2019

Photographer and DPI alum Rebecca Arthur ('18) is a recipient of a Fulbright Foreign Scholarship award to France. She shared the following with us in a recent announcement:

I received a Fulbright Award to France to photograph the Black and African diaspora using the Collodion Wet-plate process. I will also be conducting research at the International Center for Research on Slaves and Post-Slavery working closely with the head of the organization, Myriam Cottias. My home-base will be at The Fondation des Etats-Unis, a private student residence and cultural center where I will have a studio and the opportunity to attend cultural events and be immersed in a community of artists and professionals.

The Fulbright Program is devoted to increasing mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. Fulbright is the world's largest and most diverse international educational exchange program.